Chapter 1

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Placing the canteen down you sit down on a chair, sighing contently as your muscles relax. You should really lay off the training just a tad, lest you wear yourself ragged before you even get the chance to pay back your saviors.

Your phone buzzes soft next to you, revealing a text message from an unknown number. It read:

'Greetings y/n! After reading your qualifications and resume i believe we may see value in having you work here at Overwatch HQ, you shall be recieving more information soon. We will need to conduct a formal interview to iron out anything left so wed like you to come down for a bit to finsih up.

Signed, Commander Morrison'

Your heart nearly collapsed, it was finally your chance to join the foundation that saved your life that day. The chance to show what youve trained for all these years. The preparation and formalities were all worth it for this very moment, now you just had to not screw this up.

We all know how these situations like to end up though dont we?

A few days of radio silence made you worry to say the least, sure you had no idea of the inner workings of such an organization but you were sure that if you were no longer a good fit you were atleast afforded a rejection letter no?

Grasping the bundles of unimportant letters and usual bills you halted at the sight of a very peculiar looking envelope. It was very ornate looking, gold looking material embroidered along the edges with a very distinct symbol stamped in the middle. A small golden item was placed near it additionally, it looked like a keycard. Your name read on the information and a tinge of anxiety bloomed within you, maybe you were worth a rejection letter? You opened it gingerly, then sighed. Nothing bad, it read:

'Goodmorning y/n, i hope to find you in good spirits these coming days. As per mentioned previosly we will be expecting you for a formal interview to determine a potention spot for you here at Overwatch headquarters. To express our gratitude we would like to offer you a paid travel to meet us and additionally a 3 day trip to your choosing. There will be a vehicle provided to take you to the airport tomorrow at 6 pm, take care.

Best wishes, Commander Morrison.'

You pick up the keycard lazily, feeling the cool metallic surface beneath your fingertips, guess they werent really offering. Better start thinking of places to go, maybe the tropics. Maybe a nice little getaway in the alps? You did always like cold climates. You take a moment to internalize the information, until it fully sinks in. You have to leave by tomorrow and you are nowhere near ready. Shit.


Locking the front door for what felt like the last time, you turned and loaded up your luggage into the car and boarded shortly. It wasnt much to load since you kept it light, a first kit with just a couple of changes in case you had to use your vacation rightaway. Still need to think on that.

The drive to the airport was short, you thanked the driver and collected your bags and headed inside. The inspection went surprisingly quick too, the staff noticed the golden keycard you had and quickly ushered you aside. Giving you a bare inspection and sent you in your way. You could get used to this. For now the road ahead was boring, atleast you had a crossword puzzle to do.

You guffawed when you saw you were landing a mere two hours after taking off, how fast was this thing going? How well was it built to not be able to feel it? Departing from it you glance around confused by your surroundings, this wasnt an airport. Speculating on it for a bit led you to a clear conclusion as you walk through a pair of glass doors. It was a private jet.

The interior of this place was overtly regal, the walls had decorative designs on them, the floor matched them with an equally intricate design. The room had to be bloody massive for your boot clicks to echo with depth. The gaurds who accompanied you to the doors split off to the side and you were left to yourself. You strode up to the desk in the middle of them room, a kind look receptionist stood infront of you, taking and answering calls as quickly as she sent them on their way. She glanced up and noticed you, puting her calls on hold. She smiled warmly.

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