Chapter 3

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(Good news, after nearly 5 years i know how to somwhat right action scenes. The improvement....)


"You can call me Reinhardt Wilhelm, and i would like to challenge you to a duel."

You reeled back slightly, taken aback by his brutish approach. How would challenging the person who gravely injured you make sense? It was downright foolhardy. Yet, looking to his eyes, you see a fiery passion that reminded you of the eyes of the man who pulled you up from your personal hell long ago. It put you at ease, he put you at ease. With your worries put to rest unabashed, competitive pride surged up to meet his hand. A coy grin spreading your face.

"Sounds like someone wasnt taught their lesson, they might need a re-run." He squeezed your hand tightly, a gravelly laugh coming out.

"Thats what i like to hear, come find me in 4 hours (y/n)." He reached and patted your back as he turned and made his way to the others, bidding them farewell and returning home. He glances towards you and for once, instead of overwhelming guilt, you feel mildly content. How does he do it? How can he make you feel like nothing matters. You wave towards the others and thank them for their hospitality, opting to head further into the city to buy some needed items.


Plopping yourself down on the couch, you sighed contently when you saw the phone screen light up. Its blue hue illuminating the space around the dark room. You werent half as pleased to see several messages, most of all from your past acquaintances. Only about 2 hours had past from your departure from the park and subsequent journey through various stores, so there was a bit of time to kill before you had to leave. You could pull up some videos or maybe eve-

1 new message.

Clicking on the pop-up brought you a single message.

"Change of plans, meet me in the gym in 40 minutes. And bring your mission attire"

Okay maybe scrap the relaxing

Pulling yourself up, you headed towards the bathroom. You still had a few hours until you would recieve your possessions from home so you had no choice but to  swap to a basic change of clothes to meet up with Reinhardt. You didnt really have official clothing anyway so clothes with mobilty should be fine. It would probably be best to leave now since you had no idea where the gym could even be. This place could be a maze when it wanted to be.


It may have taken you more time than youd care to admit, but an hour doesnt entirely sound all too bad. Okay maybe it is, your late now. Pulling an id card from your pocket you scan it on the door and hear it whir, gears audibly clinking and granting you access. Before even setting foot in your sense of smell was overpowered by the heavy stench in the air. It felt and smelt rather humid in there, accompanied by a pungent smell of musk and it was rather blinding. But your nose adapted soon enough.

Moving past the door you were greeted with the sight of a vastly spacious room. The room was packed with several sets of workout stations, ranging from strength exercise to endurace. Walking foward revealed an odd sight. You could see Reinhardt seating himself on a bench press, giving ample time to examine his body as he drank from his water. You internally gasped, this man was built thicker than a goddamn brick. His arms glistened with the sweat layered on his arms, by god they were just as thick as your head, if not bigger. Looking inward you could see his shirt drenched in sweat, marvelling at the way it clung to his shirt, displaying his strength proudly.

He set his water down and lined himself back under the bar, you took the opportunity to step back a little and collect your thoughts, why are you acting like this? Acting like some pre teen pervertedly peeking on someone, this is childish. He just wanted to fight you for gods sake.

Reinhardt x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now