<-2-> Chapter 1

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Hello amazing people!

Welcome back to my book and its terrible update schedule! 


Yeah. That kinda came out of the blue. I will admit that I hadn't planned to have multiple parts, but it just felt like it needed to happen. 


Nothing has changed. Not the characters, the universe, none of it. Just, the tempo is gonna pick up a lot now, so I slapped a break down.

Also I just went back to read some of my earlier chapters and holy crud there are too many typos. 

Fixing in progress!


EDIT: WTF? 60th in Science Fiction?

Here Goes Nothing!


Five Years Ago

The floor rang hollow under Kuznetsov's feet. Behind him, the shuttle vented one last burst of coolant, hissing as it vaporized instantly in the underpressurized hangar. 

A guard immediately took up position behind him. He wielded an automatic slugthrower, what many people would consider archaic technology, Kuznetsov included. The trooper's triple-visor faceplate recessed into his helmet, sealing the mechanized armor in case of any trouble as Kuznetsov glanced at the brutally simple weapon the soldier now held in both hands. 

It felt intrinsically alien to be aboard a Union warship. Really, it was more than that- it was painful. As Grand Admiral is was his job to defend the Republic, not conspire with its enemies. He was betraying everyone he knew.

Including his own daughter. 

She was a captain now, on the fast track to the Admiralty. If the Cold War with the Coalition boiled over she would be the first in line to fight- she had already dedicated her life to the Republic and its people. 

Jessica was incredibly intelligent- more so she gave herself credit for. There was hope that she would understand Kuznetsov's actions. 

It was unfortunate that hope had lost most of its meaning. 

Forcing the thought as far back as it would go, he focused on the task ahead of him. It would be worth it in the end if he could get what the El'saas needed. Destroying his daughter's trust- it was a small price to pay to ensure her survival. 

And as hard as it was for Kuznetsov to accept, if his daughter's trust truly was the sacrifice for the continued existence of most sentient life in the galaxy... well, so be it.

Carson waited patiently a few dozen feet away, flanked by two additional guards. His figure was surprisingly humanoid, although Kuznetsov knew his biology was anything but. It was almost unnerving to see one alive- the El'saas as a species were nearly wiped out during the Subjugation Wars waged before humanity had even confirmed the existence of the multiverse. They still teetered on the brink of extinction, with most having sought refuge in the Prythian Assembly. It took a very courageous or a very suicidal El'saas to have anything to do with the Caroki Star Union and the rampant xenophobia present- normally, it was a combination of both.

"Grand Admiral Joseph Kuznetsov." His voice was higher than Kuznetsov had anticipated. 

"Mr. Carson," Kuznetsov replied, reaching his hand out in greeting and releasing a little tension when Carson returned the gesture warmly. "It is nice to finally meet in person."

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