Chapter 7 You and I

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Alright......I would continue the  new special chapter and it has  thrèe parts... Then next is..... the new quest (part 3).....this is the surprised chapter ... you and I ......I hope you will all like it...
Praise's POV

"My heart is full of pain within me.But one person who remove my pain  Kurapika...He is my special friend who can trust me forever and ever....He never give up on us..but he always keep my promise...."I said.

"Sis?may I ask you something?" said shemia.

"What is it shemia?"I said.

"You and Kurapika are good friends?"said shemia.

"Yes shemia...I meet him when I'm 17 years old at hunter exam...He is a smart guy who can solve the problems and he is always protected...."I said.

"Ohhhh that's why you and Kurapika are good friends.." said shemia.

"Yup...^^"I said.

"Meowww....praise...did you finish reading your books?"said tear.

"Yes tear....I'm done reading my books."I said.

"Good......."said tear.

Shemia's POV

"Why is sister so relax?I see her happy once so warm when sis smiles at us...and  sis always love us..."said shemia in mind

"Shemia?where's mika?"said praise.

"Sis mika is going to see her friend..."I said.

"Ohhhh ok..."said praise.

"Praise!someone gives you a secret letter!"said tsunina.

"Hmmmmm....I wonder who write me this letter..*opens and read*"said praise.

Dear Praise,
           Hi Praise..I brought you a dress and sandals for my gift for you..... Meet me in the garden tonight....see you...
"I put you're dress and sandals in your room...."said tsunina.

"Ok thank you..."said praise.

"You're welcome... ^^"said tsunina.

"Praise-san!!!"said gon and he waves at us.

"Hi Gon,Killua,Leorio and Hisoka! ^^"said praise.

"Hello its been awhile to see you guys again..."said gon.

"You too..^^"said praise.

"Hi shemia...."said hisoka and pokes her cheek.

"Bro....stop poking me...-.-.."said shemia.

"Alright...-.-."said hisoka.

"Well I'm better go now...."said praise..she wears blue dress and blue sandals.

"Ok sis bye...."I said.

To be continued........


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