*Not An Update!!*

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So, this isn't an update, I just wanted to say Congratulations to One Direction

for their performance at the VMA's. I was watching it and I literally screamed when

their names got called for the awards. I probably won't be able to sleep tonight so

I may update around midnight? (I live in Tennessee so it'll be midnight for me)

Possibly, don't hold me to that. Anyways, I love Niall's accent and Zayn's hair.

Oh and sorry for last night's update, I did it on my phone and I wasn't feeling

good so I'll probably just re-write it tonight and re-post it after this later on tonight.

Potatoes and Carrots :) Haha I love how they broke their first award like 5 seconds 

after they got it.. :D

Vas' Happenin'? Haha Me and Crazy Talented went to the fair last night and just 

yelled that it people's ears :3 Sorry, that was completely off-topic!

-Emilyyyyy <3 

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