Chapter 23: Ellen's Dance Dare

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-At the mall

-Alison's P.O.V

"Hey, have y'all ever seen the Ellen Show?" I ask Summer and Alle because I know Shaley has.

"Yeah,why?" They say.

"Remember when she dared everyone to go dance behind people without them knowing? We should do that right now!" I say.

"Yes!" Alle agrees.

"Yes, let's do it. Hang on, I'm gonna call Louis so he can help us record it and dance with us." Shaley says then pulls out her phone to call her boyfriend.

"Alright, he's coming with Harry. Harry's gonna record it for us." She says after she gets off the phone with him.

While we're waiting for Louis and Harry to come, I take Shaley's phone and add everybody's numbers into my iPhone.

"Dang flabbit!" I yell.

"What's wrong?" Alle asks.

"I forgot to buy a case for my phone. Will one of y'all come with me to buy one?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'll go." Summer says then gets up.

"We'll wait for the boys to come." Shaley says and Alle agrees with her.

Summer and I get up from the bench we were sitting on and start walking towards the Apple Store.

We go inside and start looking around the accessories aisle. We find one that is orange with rainbow mustaches on it.

"This is definitely the one!" I say when we find it.

"It's pretty! Let's get matching ones!" She says and grabs one for herself.

"Let's go pay for them!" I shout and we run to the cash register.

"Back again?" The creepy old man asks as he comes to scan our items.

We stay silent until he starts to ring up the second case and Summer shouts,"That's separate!"

"No it's not, I'm paying for it," I say.

"Are not."

"Are too."

"Are not!"

"Are too!"


"I'm paying for it," I tell the creeper and he quickly swiped the case. I pull out my card again and type in my code. He hands me the cases and we immediately put them on our phones and leave.

We walk back to the bench to see Harry and Alle sitting on the bench looking uncomfortable as Shaley and Lou make out.

"Break it up children!" Me and Summer say as soon as we see them.

They pull apart and Shaley says,"Hush up, I've seen you do worse!"

"Alison's been a naughty little girl!" Louis teases.

"Oh I know you've done worse." I say.

"James!" Summer yells, interrupting our little tease fest.

I look around to see who Summer was yelling at and I see a guy that looks exactly like Niall coming our way. Once he gets up close, I see the only difference between them is James has green eyes.

Summer greets him with a kiss and wraps her arms around his waist. "Guys, this is James, my boyfriend. James, this is Alison, Shaley, Harry, and Louis." She introduces us.

"Nice to meet you," We greet each other.

"James, has anyone ever told you that you look exactly like Niall Horan from One Direction?" Shaley asks.

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