Chapter 7: The Game Of Truth & Niall's Problem

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Woop Woop! One hour until Niall's birthday! Tweet #HappyBirthdayNiall, write 

Nialler <3 on your hand, call everyone mo'fo, randomly yell Potato!, and wear green! 

I'm doin all these. Me and my other friend Emily, (I have 3 friends who's names are  

Emily and one cousin with the same first and last name as me! No joke) decided we're 

gonna tie bandannas around are arms and just wander around school calling everybody 

mo'fos and potatoes! Haha:) Follow me on Twitter, I'll follow back! @GangBangedByWAT


*Harry's P.O.V.*

-Around 3am

'Gah, she's so fudging beautiful and she doesn't even know it. Why does she have to be Liam's sister??? He would let a llama date his sister before I would even have a chance with her. I wish Niall and Zayn didn't like her too.. It would make getting her so much 

easier..' I think to myself while watching Alison sleep.

After watching her sleep for a few more minutes, I get up and make myself some tea 

in the kitchen. In mid-sip, the door swings open to reveal Alison dressed in short shorts,

a tank top, and a messy pony tail.

'Even half asleep she still looks pretty dang hot..' I think to myself in awe. 

She walks straight to the kitchen without even noticing me sitting at the island in the middle of the kitchen, drinking tea. She opens the door and pulls out a jug of orange juice and chugs some down. She immediately spits it out with a disgusted look on her face, "Ewww!" She squeaks.

"Haha, we sorta need to do some grocery shopping.." I say with a wide smirk on my face.

"You don't say?" She says with sarcasm dripping from her sentence.

"Well yes, I just did." I say and she laughs. "I see you're just making yourself at home here.."

"Of course I am. I'm not gonna be all shy and quiet because I just met you. Imma be myself, loser."

I laugh and she begins laughing with me.

We have a pointless conversation for a couple of minutes before I suggest we play the game of Truth.

"Sure? But I have no idea what that is." She says with a voice full of uncertainty.

"It's easy. It's pretty much Truth or Dare, but without the Dare option."

"Oh okay. Well I guess you should ask first since you know more.."

"Ummm, okay? What's your favorite color?"

"Orange. What's your favorite food?"

"Tacos!" I yell. The game continues a few more rounds then I ask,

" Who was your first kiss?"

"Joseph Tuttle in 7th grade. Are you dating anybody?"

"Really? Joseph Tuttle, what a name!" I laugh.

"Shut up,Harry! He was a nerd who constantly got teased. When I kissed him, he got really popular so all I did was do him a favor.."

"Suuurrreeee," I say," And No m'am. I am not dating anyone. Do you have a boyfriend?"

"No.." She says while looking at her feet." What's the worst thing you've ever done?"

"Hmmm... Probably when I pretended to be gay so I didn't have to turn down some snooty kid Freshman year. (A/N Sorry, I don't know anything about what 

people from England say! I'm from Tennessee so don't hate me!!) I turned her down but then she offered for me to be her gay best friend and go on shopping 

sprees with her.." I say with a frown.

She laughs for like 5 minutes about my confession.

"Are you done laughing at me now?" I ask her.

She laughs once more than says, "Now I am. So what's your question?"

"Erm- What would you do if I.. kissed you?" I ask . 'Grrr. I've never been so nervous 

in my life.' I think to myself.

She was just about to answer when Louis bursts into the room while singing,

"Carrots! Oh how I love carrots! Carrots, they're better than potatoes and tacos, in your face Hazza and Nialler! Carrots are beast and will ne-" But stops when he sees me and Alison. He wiggles his eyebrows, gives me a questioning look, then  

says," So, What're we talking about?" while grabbing some carrots out of the fridge.


*Alison's P.O.V*

'Oh fudge balls.. Did Harry really just ask me what I would do if he kissed me?? Oh shish kabob! I don't think I can take another relationship right now...' I silently scream.

"Hey Louis, we were just talking about how we all need to go grocery shopping today," I say while hoping he didn't hear Harry's question.

"Yeah, that's all we were doing.." Harry agrees with me but sounds like he was wishing for something more.

"Oh. Well then, I guess I'm gonna go eat some carrots and watch Tv or something.." Louis says before walking out of the room.

I look at the clock and see that it's 4:58 in the morning, I sigh then tell Harry that I'm gonna 

go to sleep. I head up stairs towards my room when I hear someone strumming a guitar

and singing softly.

"Close the door

Throw the key

Don't wanna be reminded

Don't wanna be seen

Don't wanna be without you

My judgment's clouded

Like tonight's sky"

I open a door to see Niall sitting shirtless, only in sweatpants, with a guitar on his lap

and quietly singing along.

I listen to him sing for a few more minutes then finally speak up and say," Wow, I

had no idea you were that good.."

He looks up and sees me then with slight blush on his cheeks, says," Thanks. How long

have you been listening?"

"Only a few minutes," I say quietly and he sighs. "What's with the sigh, Niall?"

"Nothing, it's just that there's this girl. We haven't known each other for very long. She's amazing and absolutely beautiful. She only thinks of me as her friend, and I  

like her a lot. But I'm afraid that if I tell her then a lot of people will get mad at me.." He says quietly.

"Niall, I just met you and I already know that you're a great guy. If the people get mad then just tell them to stick it somewhere and let you do what you want. It's your life not theirs," I say with a small smile.

"Thank you, Alison. I'll try, I guess.."

"You're welcome. Come to me if you ever need anything. At anytime, even if it's like 3am, don't be afraid to come talk to me. Good luck Nialler." I hug him then walk out of his room and go to mine which is conviently right 

next to mine.


-Emily :)

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