Chapter 9: Dramarama

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So, I'm just making this up as I go along and I really didn't even know what to say happened so

just bear with me lol. I'll try to update twice a week, once during the school week and another in

the weekend,'kay? 'Kay:)


*Meanwhile in L.A.

-Shaley's P.O.V

"Why the heck did you cheat on her?? You butternut ! You knew what her dad did to her, she thought you would do it too if she gave up her virginity!" I yell at Jake who's sitting at his table in the

middle of the school cafeteria.

"Like I give a rat's butt. I'll just go to her house after school and apologize, It's not like she wont

take me back.." He shrugs.

"Well have fun not getting her apology. She moved out of the country and you weren't there

for it!"

"What!??" He yells dropping his spoon in mid-route to his mouth. "Where did she go??"

"If you weren't too busy with Cheyenne then you'd know, jerk-face!" I yell at him then walk back

to my lunch table.

I take in the sight of all 6 chairs and only mine and Alison's empty. I sigh then sit down and mumble

a 'hello' to Sabrina, Austin, Katelynn, and Wesley and begin reading on my phone under the table.

'This is gonna be a looonnnggg year without my best friend..' I think to myself.


-72 hours after they found Alison passed out

- Liam's P.O.V

'I hope she's okay..' I think to myself as I look at Niall and Louis half asleep in the plastic chairs in

the waiting room of the hospital.

The doctor walks through the doors and says," Family for Alison Payne?"

I rise from my seat and walk towards the doctor. "Is she okay??" I ask him.

"Well, she was slightly malnourished but that's it. I don't know what caused her to pass out like that. Can I talk to you in the hallway for a moment though?"

I give him a confused look but agree and follow him.

"We found a lot of bruises and cuts on her body when we were examining her. Do you have

any idea how she could have gotten them?"

"I have no idea. She's only been in my care for a couple of days now."

"Okay, just watch her closely and call me if she shows any signs of depression." He hands me his

card," You can sign her papers at the nurses' station then you all can leave."

"Okay thank you." I say while walking to the nurses' station.

"Uh- Can I have the release papers for Alison Payne?" I ask one of the nurses.

"Sure honey. Wait a moment and I'll get them for you." She replies.

She shuffles through some papers then hands me a few and I go through and sign them.

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