XXIX: Whatever Darkness

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Fírion's POV

We let them walk away. My sister and her friend, off down the path, near-identical ebony hair swaying as they went. I had moved to go after the two elleths, but Legolas had thrown an arm out to stop me. We had to let them be alone for a while, if only to calm down whilst Tauriel attempted to do the same. Legolas left the Captain of the Guard to me; we both know I'm the only one who can get through to her at times like these. It's my honour, being there for her.

But she's silent, silent as the storm of emotions in her eyes, silent while she begins to pace, with a calculating glance to either side.  'Valar, I—what are we going to do?' she mutters at last, more to herself than to me.

'If I've learned anything about Fíria,' I begin, running a hand through my hair, 'it's that she'll come up with some ridiculous plan and we're going to have to deal with it.'

Tauriel looses a breath, and directs her pacing down the path away from me.  'I suppose so.  I can't stop her, or any of you, from doing what you feel is right.'  She keeps going, now heading under the canopy of trees, where the dappled sunlight ignites her fiery hair.

'Where are you going?' I ask, taking a few tentative steps after her.

She doesn't reply, instead quickening her pace until I have no choice but to do the same if I want to stick with her.  A fleeting glance over her shoulder and an inclination of her head, and I know to follow.  Follow her down through the tunnel of autumn colours leading to... to I don't quite know where. 

We emerge from the shadows only when a small pond comes into sight, ripples gently distorting the reflections of the swaying trees on its surface.  It's sheltered by overhanging leaves and branches, some even dangling low enough to grace the surface and send a fresh set of ripples spreading across it each second.  Tauriel makes straight for it, and reaching into her pocket, pulls out a familiar stone.  The rune stone, gifted to her by her lost love.

As she lifts it to her lips, I stop in my tracks.  Out of respect, and something more, I let Tauriel go right up to the water's edge alone, stone in hand.  I do nothing but watch from a distance as she gently tosses the stone into the pond without hesitation, making a pleasant little splash when it submerges.  It's gone.  She's... she's let it go.

'Why did you do that?' I ask cautiously, 'I thought you treasured that stone.'

'It was holding me back,' she says.  'I've let go of it now. Let go of him.'

Now I cannot help but go up to her, my heart drawn with a power I cannot comprehend.  I'm not even sure I want to comprehend it; I just know where it's leading me.  'You have?' I say softly upon reaching her.

One look down, and—and I see the stone.  I see its darkened image sat among the mud and other smooth pebbles of the pond's bed, obscured by the murky blue-green hue of the water, almost indistinguishable save for the runes engraved on its surface.  A part of him will always be here, in this kingdom, from now on.  A part of Tauriel's heart safe in this little idyll in her home.

'It was you, Fírion,' she says, her tawny gaze falling on me.  'From the very moment I saw you, it was you. You listened to me, opened my eyes—connected with me like no one else has ever done. And I'm sorry that I thought for one second that you didn't belong here. It was wrong of me to say.'

I take a final step closer, and the—the words, they just come pouring out.  It's now or never, and my heart, my mind, the black fire, everything is screaming now.

'I hold true to what I meant to say before. I would die fighting in this war and feel as though I had fulfilled something... if only I told you that I love you. And that I would understand if you didn't want Fírion, son of Fínegel, as a husband. Because I don't know what I am anymore. All I know is that I'm not what you need, or what you want—I just had to tell you how I feel. I've fallen in love with you, Tauriel. It's the only thing I can be sure of.'

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