Homework and Daily Routines

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Chapter 11:

Once we got to Rhett's house, we pulled off our book bags, taking our papers and books out and throwing our packs on the floor.

"Okay, so what do not understand about the math?" I asked Rhett, as we opened up our books at the kitchen table.

"I don't understand how to divide! It doesn't make any sense at all!" Rhett replied, rubbing his forehead from the stress (I think).

"Okay, well let's start with the basics. You know your multiplication facts and....." I went on telling him everything he needed to know to figure a problem. I told him tips and how to remember things, too. Soon enough, he was a pro.

"Now that I've helped you with something, you need to do something in return." I said with a smirk.

"Oh no. What do you want?" he asked nervously.

"I need to know what guys look for in girls! Everything, from hair, to clothes, to personality. I want Link to notice me again!" I said, looking down at my finished homework sheet.

"You're perfect." he said looking at his feet.

"What?" I asked, not sure I heard him correctly.

"You're perfect! Your clothes are cool, your hair is always pretty, and you're the coolest person I know! If Link doesn't see that, then he's not good enough for you." he said, looking at me straight in the eyes.

"O-o-okay..... let's not tell Link about this little intervention."

"Deal." he said, shaking my hand.

We ride our bikes around some more, and then Rhett ride with me to my house.

"Thank you for the confidence boost." I said with a smile.

"No problem." he replied. "Can I ask you something?"

"Anything." I said, meaning it.

"I know that I'm always nice to you, and sometimes we hang out just us, you know? I guess I'm just asking, do you like as more than a friend?"

I looked at him, my eyes staring right into his. "I'm sorry, but I don't."

"Oh, what a relief! I'm glad cause I don't really like you THAT way." he said, laughing.

"Okay, good! Will you and Link be coming over tomorrow?" I said walking up to my front door.

"Of coarse, why wouldn't we? Kami, your part of our daily routine now. And you always will be!" he said with a smile as he got back on his bike.

Before riding away, I stopped him by saying, "Thank you."

"For what?" he asked, confused.

"For making me part if your daily routine." I said with a smirk and giggle before walking inside of my house.

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