The Operation

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Chapter 22:

During the operation, all I could hear were doctors talking to each other.

Before they started the operation, I could tell that they knew that I had a slim chance to survive, but I didn't really understand why. It's not like I had a heart transplant. It was just a vein "patch up".

I don't know how I could hear them at all, either, because I was "asleep". It was like I was awake, but my eyes were just closed. I could hear everything they said perfectly, and I didn't and won't ever forget what they said.

"She's not going to make it."
"Her veins won't be able to stand this pressure."
"If she does make it through the operation, she won't make it through the night."
"Maybe we should just cancel the operation all together."
"Let's just tell her family that she didn't make it. Tell them the operation failed."

Over and over, all I heard from the doctors and nurses were pessimistic thoughts and ideas. I felt like I was going to die on that operating table. That the last thing I would hear was a doctor cutting my vein completely, letting me bleed out on the table and floor.

'No,' I told myself, 'the last thing you'll hear before you die is Charles Lincoln Neal III's heart beat, or voice, or laugh, or even just breath. Something, anything. I'm not going to go this way.'

Finally, after all of the horrible, and vocal, ideas from the docs and nurses, I heard the main doctor say, "Do you know this girl?" No one said anything. "Right, not one of you knows who she is. She is a 7th grade girl who is in love. She IS going to make it through this, and through the night. And anyone who has a problem with helping me save this girl's life, can leave the room now."

Everyone was silent, and I don't think anyone left the room. The main doctor went back to telling everyone else what to do, and what to use. Thanks to that doctor, my life was safe, for now at least.
After the operation, I was wheeled back to my original room.

I "woke up" a few minutes after they brought me back, and the nurse immediately bombarded me with questions.

"Hi sweetie, how do you feel? Do you feel any pain? Do you need some water?"

"Honestly, I feel fine. My arm feels like someone stepped on it as if it were a gross bug, though." I replied, feeling my new scar on my arm.

"Oh that's very normal for your circumstances. Now, I have to ask you about your stay here at the hospital. Like, how is the staff? Is your room clean enough?" She started asking me more questions about the hospital.

I felt like I wanted to sue the dang place. 'Seriously? They're going to ask about my stay?! They act like I wanted to be in this death trap.' I thought to myself, getting kind of angry.

I zoned back to the nurse, who was waiting for my response.

"Oh, well, everything's just peachy!" I said sarcastically. "The gowns are SO comfortable, and these beds, oh, these beds! The people here? Oh, my, I love the people here. My favorite people here are the dead ones." I said, irritated.

The nurse looked at me in shock, but I just kept going.

"The dead ones," I said almost whispering, "are the least annoying ones here! And don't get me started on the food. Oh, that plain, bland creamless-ice is great! It's almost like real ice cream! That's probably one of the best parts about this hell-hole."

The nurse tried to talk. "Oh, my, uh, well, um...." She didn't know how to respond.

"This place is paradise- NOT." I said with an evil-like grin.

"It's people like you, here in this place, that makes me SO happy that I don't have to be here forever. It's people like you," I said, pointing at here with my good arm, "who I feel sorry for. For having to work in a place where people die. All the time. Where, right after asking the patients if they're okay, you have to ask them how their stay was, as if this place were a hotel! So, how do I feel? I feel like crud. I can't wait to get out of this place, where I never have to see or hear of you ignorant, self absorbed, doctors and nurses. I'm sad to have to say, that the people who saved my fragile life, are the ones who thought about stopping my operation in the middle. Do I need water? Yes, and I'd like to see my boyfriend in the meantime, too. So, sweetie, get my water soon please, because my throat hurts from having to tell you about my stay here in this stupid hospital."

I looked at the nurse, who looked like she was going to cry.

She didn't say anything, she just walked out of the room. Link immediately walked in.

"Kami May, That was amazing! You told her off so hard!" he said smiling and laughing. I started laughing, too.

"How much did you hear?" I asked, wondering if he heard the 'boyfriend' part.

"The whole thing! I was waiting outside the door." he said, still chuckling. "Anyways, how did the operation go, girlfriend?"

"Just peachy!" I said with a giggle, before pulling him in for a kiss.

During our "lip-lock-session", the nurse walked in quietly, setting a glass of water down at my bedside table. Link pulled away from the kiss and said, "Thanks, sweetie. Can we have some of that plain, bland creamless-ice? Two cups please." he said with smirk. "Soon." I added in, before we started kissing again.

After a few minutes, the nurse was back with our "creamless-ice", and we started eating it. The nurse didn't bother us ever after that. Honestly, I thought she was scared I'd yell at her again.

I sat on the head of the bed, my legs crossed, and Link sat on the opposite side, his legs also crossed. We talked and laughed as we ate our bland treat.

After a few hours of chatting, I became super tired. I laid back down on my bed, Link laying next to me again, and we both fell asleep in each other's arms.

That was the first time, in a long time, that I was happy.

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