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Chapter 78:

I sighed deeply.

My mom was right; I didn't like her answer, but it was the right thing to do. God, I hate it when my mom is right.

"Okay. I'll tell him. But if he freaks out and breaks up with me, you're buying the cookie dough." I said, pulling the pillow from my face.

My mother nodded. "Link is an understanding boy who is in love. Nothing is stronger than young love, Kamille. No matter what you do, it will find a way. I promise."

"I hope so." I replied, worried.
I walked slowly to Link's house, dragging my feet along the concrete. It was the next morning. The air was cool, but the sun shown enough to keep me warm. I barely swung my arms as I left my street and trudged down a block to Link's street.

I was dreading the moment when Link would find out. I could see it now; his eyes flash from mine to the ground as the words slip out of my mouth and plunge into his ears. The feelings from his listenings travel down his body, giving him chills as the emotions crash into his heart, smashing it into a billion tiny pieces. The worst part, his heart had my name written on it.

His house came into view, and I slowed my pace even more. The sun moved higher and higher into the atmosphere, making the "walk of complete shame" more regrettable.

I continued to walk down the deserted walkway when my foot got caught on something, making me fall hard to the ground. My knee and arm scraped on the concrete, and the skin broke on both. Blood began to creep it's way out of my scrapes.

A voice began to speak from behind me. "Well, well, well, if isn't the one and only Kamille Hamilton."

I gasped as I heard who it was. "Well, hello there, Bradley. What brings you around here?" I asked, trying to keep my cool.

I heard sniffles before the voice got louder, or Bradley came closer.

"I came to..... congratulate you." His words were slurred, but I knew exactly what he said.

"For what?" I turned around to see a mess. The usually clean-cut, nicely dressed Bradley was now a depressed, tired, raggedy boy. "Bradley, w-what happened?"

Bradley got closer to me, towering over my body. He leaned down and pushed his face just centimeters away from mine. His breath smelled of alcohol, which was never good for a fifteen-year-old. "You took away the only good thing in my life." he said sharply.

"I didn't take anything from you." I said simply, turning my head away from him.

He shot his hand under my chin and yanked my head, making me stare at his disgusting, sweaty face. "You're the reason she's moving."

My mind clicked- Brailen was moving. "How am I the reason?" I asked. I pulled his hand from my face and stood up slowly and carefully.

"You ratted us out. Or, should I say, you ratted her out. Her parents found out, and they're making her move away back to California. All because of a little brat who doesn't even deserve to live."

"Ouch." I said sarcastically. "But, seriously, I didn't tell on you guys. I didn't tell anyone at all."

"You think I'm just going to take your word for it?! I know you told her parents, and now I'm the one who has to pay." He spoke quickly and lost his breath. Because of this, he paused before speaking again. "Well, I'm one person who has to pay."

"What do you mean, Rum boy?" I was tired of his crud. He just needed to get to the point, if there was any point at all.

"You took away the person I loved most. We were perfect for each other. And then you had to go and ruin it all!" By the end of his sentences, he was screaming at me.

He lowered his voice and continued. "But, that's okay, because I'll do what any rational love-sick teen would do. I'll get revenge."

By that point, I was genuinely scared. "Bradley, what're you gonna do?"

"I'm going to take away the person you love most. The person who was perfect for you. Permanently." A smile grew on his face as I looked at him in horror.

He swiftly went behind me and pulled my hair, making me fall to the ground once again. He kicked my center-back a few times, and I lost my breath as he pushed his foot down on my lungs. He left me there for a moment and brought out a rope from behind the tree he was hiding by.

He pulled me over to the tree and wrapped the rope around me tight. "Bradley.... you don't know what you're.....doing. You're.... drunk." I said weakly, trying to catch my breath. Tears began to flow down my face rapidly.

"Oh, Kamille. You don't realize that I'm drunk enough to know that I'm going to do this, but not drunk enough to feel guilty about what happens to come next. I'm sorry to say that this is the end of your love story. I'm sure it was fun while it lasted." His smile became wider as he pulled a knife from his dusty jacket.

He began to walk towards Link's house, but I stopped him. "Wait! Kill me instead!"

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