xix ; reveal

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joohyun first woke up with seungwan next to her. she smiled as she remembered what they had done with each other the night before. and so, she looked at all of the marks that were visibly present on the latter and decided that the both of them should be awake. "seungwan-ah, it's time to wake up," she said, shaking the younger girl next to her.

"unnie," seungwan weakly said, gaining a giggle of satisfaction from joohyun. she sat up, surprised that joohyun was next to her, wide awake as if she had been watching the latter sleep.

joohyun simply smiled as she leaned forward into seungwan's lips. she had never felt this way with sooyoung, so she was finally happy to express her true self.

seungwan smiled as well, but ended whatever the older girl was doing. "we should check on the others," she suggested.

as the two girls walked down to the main room of the office, joohyun immediately saw a pair of panties, the prince outfit, a white shirt, a white blouse, a cardigan, socks, and two pairs of pants all on the floor. "they fucked," she whispered to seungwan who had a much greater reaction that the girl next to her.

seungwan's jaw widened as she would've never imagined yerim nor sooyoung wanting to do each other.

the two approached both girls, even more surprised when they saw that the both of them were naked. sooyoung's shoulders were exposed, but her entire body was covered by the blanket. all the two girls could see were sooyoung's obvious hickeys, placed on her shoulder bone and almost everywhere else. they also saw the rope tied around her hands, put above her body to make doing her much easier. when they looked at yerim, they immediately saw the faint hickeys as well, making them believe that both of them wanted to do it.

"wanna wake them up?" seungwan asked, not knowing what to do.

"no, let's let them figure out on their own. we should clean up their mess though," joohyun said, gaining a nod from seungwan. they picked up all of the clothes on the floor, with a particular joohyun laughing and giggling about holding sooyoung's underwear.

soon enough, yerim woke up. her arms extended as she let out a yawn, flinching as soon as she saw that the older girls were staring at her. "hey..." she said, partially covering her face with the blanket.

"so, what'd you guys do last night? talk?" joohyun asked with a odd smile on her face.

"yeah... we talked about life..." yerim stuttered as she struggled to find the words to say.

"did she ask you out?"

yerim nodded, aware of the fact that she wasn't saying the whole story.

"y'all fucked?" seungwan asked, butting in.

yerim nodded once again, unashamed. "she was really good, i couldn't resist... it was the first time i wanted to do something so bad to someone."

"you?!" joohyun practically cackled, "you were the top?!"

"yeah," yerim said with a laugh, "you thought she would be a top?"

"well yeah, you're so cute and adorable!" joohyun suggested, while seungwan's jaw was wide open.

"please don't think i'm weird.. i wasn't feeling like anything until sooyoung... until sooyoung said she wanted to sleep already. i couldn't let her off that easily."

"so you're dropping honorifics, huh," seungwan laughed.

"mhm!" yerim hummed. "what did you guys do last night?"

"yah! kim yerim! we aren't done question you," joohyun said as she moved closer to the girl, seungwan followed along. "what was the rope for? don't you know that sooyoung has wrist pain? her hands start to hurt for a while after anything happens to her wrists.."

"it should be fine. i didn't wrap it around her that tight, plus she said that she wanted it when she was drunk."

joohyun couldn't believe the words coming out of yerim's mouth— sooyoung wanted it?

"anyways, what did you two do last night?"

"fucked," seungwan simply said with a wide smile on her face.

"ah! that's why you aren't mad at me," yerim joked.

"wow, what will we do with you?" joohyun joked around as well, walking pass yerim as she ruffled the younger's hair. "do you have any extra clothes?"

"no... i didn't think about that.."

"here, that's for you," joohyun said, giving yerim a white nike shirt and a blue and yellow checkered pajama pants.

"thank you, unnie," she said with her cute smile.

"and this is for sooyoung, when she wakes up," she continued, laying a white fila shirt and black leggings next to sooyoung, along with new underwear.

the two girls left the room, with seungwan briefly saying "be good!" joohyun practically dragged seungwan as they held hands, the older being particularly touchy.

yerim put the new clothes on, happy that they had fit and they matched her. at the same time, sooyoung woke up, her eyes were red and tired and her body seemed weak. "hello, my butler," yerim tried to joke around.

"yah! i thought you were done with that," sooyoung said with annoyance in her voice.

"i am, come here, i love you," she said, picking sooyoung up from her sleeping position. they hugged, without yerim caring about whether her clothes would get dirty or not.

sooyoung then softly kissed yerim's lips, "love you," she said as she saw the clothes that were put next to her and tried to get them, forgetting that her hands were tied.

"oh, sorry," yerim said, embarrassed as she untied the rope on the girl's wrists, revealing a clear red mark it had left behind. "does it hurt..?"

"yeah, but it's fine. really, it doesn't hurt," sooyoung lied in between small groans, hoping that yerim's feelings didn't get hurt.

"you were really good yesterday... sorry if i went too hard..."

"you didn't.. it's fine," sooyoung said, now fully changed, clothes-wise.

"do you... still like me? are we... still?" yerim asked as she stuttered, afraid of what she had done the night before.

sooyoung was feeling if her wrists were okay, but immediately dived into yerim for a kiss as she held onto the girl's cheeks while the other hand landed on the younger's thighs. yerim stayed still, enjoying sooyoung's beaten lips while her lips were still full. "of course, yerim. i wouldn't want anyone else but you."



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