Chapter thirty-seven

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Gbemi walked up angrily towards Adam and I as we were staying under the mango tree talking about her. Actually, I was trying to convince Adam to be the bigger person and apologise to Gbemi. Pride wasn't the way forward.

"Daniella, I said I wanted to see you and you kept me waiting." Gbemi said icily, hands akimbo.

I had completely forgotten Gbemi had called to see me earlier on in class before Adam and I moved down to the mango tree. "Oh I'm so sorry. I forgot."

"Spare me the apology!" She raised her right hand to her head level, hushing me. "You're gonna have to choose between Adam and me right here and now. Who would you rather have as your friend?"

I got up from the bench Adam and I were seated abruptly. "Gbemi!" I exclaimed, surprised by what she said. There was no way I was going to choose one of them over the other. I loved them both just the same way.

"What?" She snarled, looking away.

"What are you trying to do? How can you put me in such a dilemma?"

"Because I'm tired of you leaving me alone for Adam. Let me know where I stand. If you like Adam more and you don't want me as your friend, please say it now so we'd all know."

"What are you saying Gbemi—" Adam was saying, but Gbemi cut him off abruptly.

"No one was talking to you."

"Okay I'm done!" Adam said in surrender, rolling his eyes.

"Gbemi can you stop this childish and malicious act of yours? Adam was just going to talk to you now and you hushed him rudely." I said angrily.

Gbemi rolled her eyes. "I'm still waiting for your choice o." She said, blowing her fingernails and tapping one of her feet on the floor.

I was silent for a while. "And if I choose Adam, you're just gonna walk away like that?"

"Oh I get it." Gbemi said and spun around to leave. I held her arm, stopping her.

"I haven't made any choice yet. What happened to you Gbemi? You've changed overnight."

"Daniella, I'm still waiting for—"

I spoke up, not minding what she was saying. "You're just going to throw our friendship in the thrash can, just because Adam simply called you les? He didn't even mean to offend you by calling you that?"

"He didn't mean to, but he did! He calling me les means that he had been thinking of me that way."

"I haven't been thinking of you as a lesbian Gbemi. I only said that jokingly, not intending to offend you." Adam said.

"But you did." Gbemi said, looking away from Adam and me.

"Okay if this is what you wanna hear, I'm sorry. And don't expect me to repeat it coz it took a lot to apologise." Adam said, unapologetically.

I almost laughed. Why were they both so prideful?

"I heard it clearly the first time so I wasn't expecting you to repeat it." Gbemi said, rolling her eyes.

There was an awkward silence in our midst. And it almost made me laugh.

"Okay Adam has apologised Gbemi, so now can you also apologise for calling him pussyboy?"

She was a bit reluctant, but she did it anyway. "If that is what you want to hear also, well I'm sorry for calling you pussyboy. You very well know I'm not apologising twice."

That made me laugh out loud, which caused Adam and even Gbemi herself to chuckle.

"I didn't know you were this petty Gbemi." I said.

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