4 | The Dawes Plan

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"Can anyone tell me what the Dawes Plan is?" Mr. Monmery asked the class who most of which were sleeping on their desks. 

Billie sat at her seat on the second to last row scribbling down notes, her hand moving across the page as she tried to remember the last thing Mr. Monmery had said. Hannah was beside her staring at the stained ceiling blowing bubbles of pink gum. 

Suddenly, the door opened and a chattering began to arise reminding Billie of her entrance yesterday and she looked up to see what caused the commotion. Elijah Thompson stalked past every gaping student to take residence in the seat at the back of the classroom; the one behind Billie. 

Even Hannah looked shocked and had almost choked on her bubblegum. The brunette leaned closer to the blonde and whispered, "What's going on?" As the eyes slowly returned to Mr. Monmery who was desperately trying to regain focus. 

"He hasn't attended Mr. Monmery's class in over six months, I don't think he attends any class really." She whispered back and Billie peaked a glance behind them to look at the said boy and instantly turned back to the front when she realized he was already looking at her. 

Turning back once more, slower this time, Billie looked again and gave him a wide smile as to show she was trying to be friendly and not invasive. 

Elijah didn't remove his blank stare but he did raise his eyebrows. He was surprised she turned around again, knowing he had caught her. No one else would have dared. Yet she did. 

For the rest of the lesson, Billie came to understand why Hannah had warned her about the seat she had chosen. Elijah Thompson had a habit of kicking her chair due to his too long legs, drumming his hands on the desk and swearing loudly when his phone pinged loudly. Though Mr. Monmery didn't seem to notice the boy on his phone or perhaps he turned a blind eye. 

Five minutes before the lesson ended, Billie was glad for Elijah's quick exit and exhaled in relief that she no longer felt his eyes on the back of her head. She had thought that maybe he would throw something in her curly locks like she had seen other boys around the room do. Hannah had luckily reassured her there was nothing but brown curls. 


"Can you believe Elijah actually came to history today?" Hannah said as she and Billie took a seat at the table Mikey and Piper had chosen. 

"Really? He didn't go to any of his other lessons." Piper said in confusion and Mikey remained silent on the matter, pushing his food around his plate half-heartedly. 

"Weird..." Hannah led off with a cough and the table fell silent until Piper brought up the conversation of their homework for English, a lesson they all shared. 

"Aye! Brown-eyes still going Friday?" Preston called out as he walked past and every eye in the cafeteria turned to Billie, the group of boys surrounding Preston smirked and laughed with each other. 

All she could do was nod, not knowing what else to do and was relieved when the eyes slowly peeled away from her. 

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