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Tae's POV

8 years ago

" Come on kookie let's take a picture together". tae held a camera in front of the younger and squealed.

Jungkook POV

"H-how d-do you know m-my name?" I said shaking.

"Oh...um...I heard someone call your name yeah so..."

"Oh...w-who?" I said still in shock.

"Um...it was a boy I don't know really...I just heard him call you" he looked down and realized he had only a towel on.

"Shit! excuse me one sec" he went to the closet and pulled out some clothes then went back to the bathroom and put them on and I was still standing there shocked that V even talked to me.

After he came out of the bathroom in a black T-shirt with some ripped jeans which I might add was very hot! He stared and looked down slowly walking up to me with his hands in his pockets.

"Um...I'm sorry you had to see that" he said nervously rubbing that back of his neck.

"O-oh it's f-fine" I blushed and looked down.

"I'm V" he said sticking his hand out for a handshake.

"I-I know" I smiled awkwardly and shook his hand that felt like soft flower petals.

"Oh right duh" there was a moment of awkward silence between us.

"Um...s-should I go?" I said walking backwards to the door until he grabbed my wrist and stopped me.

"Please don't leave!..." He said and I jumped a little and stood there shocked, looking down at his hand holding my wrist. "I mean um...please stay...it's uh been a while since I've had anyone to talk to ya'know" I nodded and sat down in one of the chairs and he finally let go of my wrist.

"I'm sorry y-you can go if you want". He said and started walking away.

"N-no I want to stay if that's ok with you?" I said and he smiled and nodded.
We talked about are likes and differences then we both realized what time it was.

"Shit" I looked at my watch.

"What is it?" V said confused.

"Oh uh...it's just really late". I said and wondered how yoongi was going to whip my ass when I got back to the dorm.

"Oh well I could drive you home i-if you want?" I smiled and nodded with my heart beating 10x faster than usual because I mean duh it's V for crying out loud!


*Ok ok I know this was a REALLY boring chapter 😴 BUUUT
wanna know what happens in the car with V and jungkook hmm?😂


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