Chapter 5: Love Sick

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You laid on your back, staring up at the ceiling. You held your phone to your chest with one hand. What was going on inside your head? Before everything had gone downhill, nothing would have made you happier than to see Alphys and Undyne confess their feelings to one another and finally decide to be together. So why does the thought of that happening now bring about a stinging sensation in your heart?

You shook your head sharply. No, there was no possible way that you could be falling in love with Alphys. You were close friends, but to be even closer than that..? You felt your face growing warmer as you pondered being more than a friend to Alphys. Did...Did you really want that?

You sat up, gazing down at your phone. You scrolled through your contacts, stopping at Alphys' number. You hesitated. What were you doing? Did you even have a plan? Were you just going to call Alphys and confess that you liked her more than a friend? Was that really what you were about to do?

You tossed your phone aside as if it were suddenly burning hot. It landed on your pillow, bouncing softly from the impact. You stared at it for a few moments, as if it were about to spring to life and scold you for what you almost did. But all remained silent. You sighed, flopping back onto your back.

This was ridiculous. You didn't love Alphys. Admired her, yes of course. You could never do the things she had done. Even with her tragic mistakes, she still did so much more than anyone else you knew could have managed. And on top of her accomplishments, she managed to bear that horrible burden by herself for such a long time. She was stronger than Undyne, just in a different way. You sighed, feeling your blush return. You jolted as you realized your admiration was turning into something more. And all this time you were spending with her, getting to know her and repairing your relationship...It was only helping these new feelings flourish.

You turned your head, looking at your phone. You almost wished it would disappear so you wouldn't feel even a small hint of temptation. But there it lay, motionless and quiet. You sat up, snatching it from its resting place on the pillow. Alphys' number was still highlighted.

Despite your better judgment screaming at you to stop, you hit the call button. It began to ring and you placed the phone to your ear, determination in your eyes.

However, the feeling was fleeting. The very next moment, panic set in. What were you thinking?! You hadn't given a moment's thought to what you were going to say when Alphys picked up! You squeezed the phone in your hand, feeling your heart rate skyrocket to the top of Mount Ebott. Your throat suddenly felt so dry you feared you may never speak again.

Ring, ring...Ring, ring...

With each ring your heart raced faster and yet simultaneously skipped a beat. You heard a click on the other end, inhaling sharply and holding your breath.

No answer.

You slowly pulled the phone away from your ear. She hadn't answered and her voicemail was disabled. You exhaled loudly, nearly falling off the side of your bed as a wave of relief washed over you. You lived to see another day.

After taking a few minutes to get your heartbeat down to normal human levels, you slipped off your bed. Even after all of that, the feelings were still buzzing around in your head. Butterflies fluttered in your stomach and your face heated up even at the thought of Alphys' name now.

Is this how Alphys felt about Undyne?

You froze mid-step, your blushing face quickly going to a pale white that would make Napstablook look tan.


You clapped your hand over your mouth, feeling as though you may vomit. You had been so worried about how to feel about Alphys you hadn't even considered how Undyne would react to any sort of confession. One wrong move with her and not even a Sans shortcut could save you from being a human pin cushion. How would she react if you confessed before she had a chance to? Did she even know that you knew they both liked each other? And perhaps most importantly...How would you react if Undyne got to Alphys before you did?

*Blushes in Nerd* (Alphys X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now