You're never alone

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything Marvel, D.C or anything I borrowed from other media

You're never alone

After what felt like a long rest, Peter slowly wakes up trying to figure out what happens to him. As his vision gets more clear, Peter notices that he is now in a familiar room and get his self-up quickly while at the same time feels someone holding him down.

"Peter take it easy! No need to rush into action." said the voice of Hank. Peter turns to see doctor Hank, who was sitting at his desk, now standing right beside him up to check on him. "How are you feeling? I heard it was a pretty rough battle for you guys?"

Peter rubs the back of his head before answering. "I dealt with worse before so it's nothing. The last thing I can remember from the fight is that I let the suit take ahold of me so it could officially let go of its hold on Logan. Then supposedly I battle the suit from within which I thought I won, but after that, it's pretty much a blur."

Hank sat and listened to everything that Peter said about his take on the fight to make sure there was no memory loss from being in the suit even though he doubts that would be the case with Peter since he was the first to bond with the symbiote. He picks up the lab results to explain what happens to Peter after fighting the suit.

"Well lucky for you Peter you don't have any significant damage from the battle. It just seems like you needed some extra rest for your body to get back 100%, you were out for a full day," Hank tells him which shocks Peter since he didn't realize that he slept that long but it does explain why it seems like a long time that he was asleep.

"As far as what happened after the fight from what I heard, the last bit of the suit came off of you and tried to escape but luckily Johnny was able to burn the rest of it, and no one found a trace of it since. Thanks to Logan healing abilities he recovers a lot quicker than you did and thankfully Bobby and Kitty didn't take too much damage during the fight as well."

Peter process everything that Hank just told him. He felt better about knowing nothing serious happen to his friends especially Kitty, who he wants to see right now. At that moment, in a way, it was like she read his mind because Kitty along with Bobby, Johnny, and even Logan came down to the lab to check on him. She runs to Peter and hugs him tightly with Peter hugging her back.

"Oh, Petey I was so worried about you," Kitty said still hugging her boyfriend real tight.

Peter hugs her back loving this feeling. "I'm alright Kitty; I'm just happy that you are here."

"A cough cough" Bobby is making cough sounds to get Peter's attention.

"Um, yea is you forgetting someone?" Johnny asks playing along with Bobby folding his arms.

Peter looks up and answers with a smile, "Oh yeah wolfman glad to see the suit is no longer on you."

"WHAAAAAAAAAT!?" Both Bobby and Johnny question Peter while Logan pops his claws out.

"What was that bub?" Logan asks not amused with being call wolf boy.

"Ha-ha I mean Mr. Best there is, and yes it's good seeing my brother Vanilla Ice and Brother Human Fire both okay as well." Peter cracks a joke, which earns him a playful push from Kitty.

Bobby and Johnny then look at Peter for a few seconds until they at the same time said looking at each other, "Close enough." right before tackling Peter messing with him. This action quickly stops after Kitty rolls her eyes at them and grab both of the young heroes by the ear.

"If you don't stop hurting my boyfriend there will be consequences understand?" Kitty asks them in a grave tone to where Logan found his self-impress by the way she handles the two.

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