part 4

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As I return back to the room, I see Phil eying me and Colin as Stu and Alan fight.

"Are you a fucking idiot, Alan?" Stu yells holding his head.

"What's this about?" I ask sitting down next to Stu at the foot of the bed.

"He wants to go back home!" Stu yells.

"I know you have a wedding Alan, but we can't leave Doug. And we can't leave without knowing what happened," Phil says.

"I'll send in a call for my guys to look around the castle for your friend. Just describe him again so I know exactly what to tell them," Colin says looking at his phone ready to text someone.

"You know, like 5'8, kinda dorkish, black hair, looks like Marty Mcfly a little bit," I say trying to describe him.

Colin laughs a little, "Okay. They're looking for him now."

"Now what?" Phil asks, crossing his arms and sitting back on the bed.

"While we wait, I think we should go and get something to eat, you guys must be starving," Colin says.

"I'm actually going to fucking kill myself," Phil says getting up and walking out of the room.

"That means yes," I smile and follow Phil.

Not knowing where to go we waited in the hallway for Colin and followed him through the large , mysterious ways of the castle. Colin was in the front followed by Stu and Alan, while me and Phil were in the back. We passed by many maids and butlers, while there were countless paintings on the walls of past royal ancestors.

"You okay?" I ask Phil.

"No. But i'll manage like I did the past two times this happened. What about you?" He says , still looking forwards as we walk.

"I guess it could be worse. We're in the hands of royalty after all," I say, pointing around to our surroundings.

"What did Harry over there tell you when you two went outside?" Phil asks.

"Colin. And, um, he kind of just kissed me. He said that me, you and-"

"Hold up, he kissed you?" Phil asks stopping me.

"It was for a second and then he said that, um, me and you and him-"

"I can't believe he would do that he's just so disgusting. The fact that you wake up and you don't know where you fucking are he takes advantage of you like that it's just-"

"Woah," I stop him holding his shoulders. "Where is this coming from? Like what is your issue?" I try keeping my voice down to not cause a scene.

"Nah, nothing...Forget it," He says, biting his lip.

By now, we made it to the front door of the castle and two butlers open the doors for us. We walk outside to get greeted by a giant Rolls Royce.

"You can't make this shit up," Stu smiles and gets in the car.

In the car i'm in between Phil and Stu, while Alan and Colin sit on the other side. Colin subtly winks at me, while I see Phil roll his eyes out of the corner of my eye.

I look to the drivers window through the sheer glass covering him from us and recognize something.

Behind his small black glasses, and his cunning smirk, I recognized his face.

"No. Fucking. Way." I say, as my jaw slightly dropped.

Everybody looked alarmed, except for Alan who was biting his nails in the corner of the car.

"What's wrong?" Phil asks me.

I turn to him slowly, trying not to show any expression on my face. "Look who's driving the car."

"Who would possibly- Chow what the fuck!" Phil screams.

"Chow?" Alan asks, turning around to see Chow's evil little face in the driver's mirror.

We hear him viciously laugh as all of us started to freak out, minus Colin.

"You guys know, Chow?" Colin smiles. "His dad usually drives for me, but today Chow wanted to start driving a bit more. They're an excellent family-"

"Stop the car!" I yell. He keeps driving.

"Pull over, Chow. It seems Vanessa looks a bit sick," Colin says.

Chow pulls the car over on a blank road that was still on the grounds of the castle. The castle was seen distantly in the background as all that surrounded us was greenland.

I got out, put my hands on my head and started to scream.

"Is she okay?" Colin asks in shock.

"She's fine. Give her a minute," I hear Stu reassure from inside the car. 

After my five second breakdown was done, I go towards the drivers seat.

I sarcastically smile and knock on Chow's window. His expression had a sense of revenge in his face. 

He lowers the window.

"Hi, Chow. Can you open your door for a second?" I ask.

Hesitant at first, he slowly opens it. I yank the door out of the way and pull little 90-pound Chow out of the car. I throw him on the floor as I prowl myself on top of him and start hitting him.

"Vanessa? Why?" He asks, as he tried to shield himself.

I see Phil and Stu run out of the car and then eventually try and pull me off. 

Chow manages to get up as Stu and Phil pull me back.

"I know this asshole had everything to do with us being here! I know it!" I yell, certain.

Chow smiles and rubs his hands together. "Vanessa, you're a smart one. Remember when you said on the dock you thought you saw me? Well, you did."

"I knew it!" I point. "You prick! Wait a minute. If you were there then... you drugged us!"

"Chow, what the fuck? I thought we were becoming friends?" Stu gets angry.

"I needed you guys to come here. Remember Marshall, who was ready to kill me? Well now there's someone worse," He says in his thick accent.

"What's he talking about?" Colin asks, coming around from the other side of the car and watching us have this conversation in confusion.

"So, uh, basically Chow stole $21 million of gold from this scary man and he told us to go find Chow. Then we tried to work with Chow but he double crossed us, then he ended up taking more of the gold than he originally had so we had to find him again. Then finally, Marshall, the scary man, got ahold of him and almost killed him until Alan let him go. And the last words Chow ever said to us was, 'todaloo motherfuckers'," Stu explains to Colin as he was having trouble retaining all this information at once. 

"How'd you do it, Chow?" Phil asks him.

"Come on. I roofied your drinks then drove you to my jet and sent you off to London. The rest was your own doings. Managing to lose Doug again really shows character, keep up the good work," he sarcastically says.

"This dip shit has a wedding to be at!" I scream, pointing to Alan. "Doug could be dead for all we know! And we're in the middle of no where! And for what?"

"Well the first reason is revenge. But Claude Sinclair is trying to kill me. And I know you wouldn't have helped me if I asked you."

"I would have," Alan frowns.

"I know you would, fatty," Chow says, going up to him and rubbing his arm. "But it was almost your wedding day. You wouldn't have risked it."

"Now what," Phil asked biting his nail and staring at the ground furiously. "What do you suppose we do?"

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