Comfort in an unfamiliar home

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3rd Pov

"Legolas, get them up!" Aragon ordered the elf as he composed himself within an instant, marching to the end of the hill top. Boromir gave him a surprised and depressingly annoyed look, begging "Give them a moment...for pity's sake!", gesturing towards the grieving hobbits and screaming elf maiden on the grass.

"By nightfall these hills will be swarming with Orcs! We must reach the woods of Lothlorien. Come, Boromir, Legolas, Gimli, get them up. On your feet, Sam." Aragon ordered as he helped the blonde haired hobbit to his feet's. Legolas went to help up his sister but she shrugged his hand away, her voice to hoarse to tell him to stop, her acting's speaking for her.

Frodo stumbles away from the others, as if he were in a daze. "Frodo? Frodo!" Aragon called to the young hobbit who slowly turned in response. A look of numb shock and devastation sat on his face. Ash quickly went up to the hobbit. She frowned as she remembered the heartbreak she felt when her mother passed, and knowing how close Frodo and Gandalf were she pushed her own deep grief to the side and embraced him tightly, falling to her knees to meet his height. "I'm sorry.." she whispers to him as Aragon appears behind them. He puts a hand on ash's shoulder, simply stating "Gwaem.".

After venturing away from the mountain which had hurt their hearts so much and walking for what felt like days they reached the edge of a beautiful forest.

Ash's POV

I rub my eyes sleepily, they feel so dry and it bothered me greatly. Aragon has gotten over the death of our dear wizard very quickly. It bothered me even more then my eye did, but he is a descendant of a king, I don't know many human kings who were kind hearted enough to mourn a death slowly, they always wanted to get back to running their kingdoms. It was Nobel, but that didn't change how it made me feel.

I stared up at this forest in familiar wonder. I vague memory of me, being very young and small, running through the grass in my near feet. I slipped in and out between the large grey trees trunks, yellow petals sticking to my dress and several yellow flowers in my hair as my brother chased me, grinning and laughing. I couldn't help but glance at him, it was getting harder to imagine him doing that.. I almost convinced myself it was a dream at this point.

Gimli looked like a nervous parent as he stayed close to the hobbits while Legolas, Boromir, Aragon and I were walking ahead. I couldn't help but earwig on their conversation, laughing slightly at the ginger dwarf's worry. "Stay close, young hobbits..they say a Sorceress lives in these woods. An elf-witch of terrible power. All who look upon her fall under her spell...And are never seen again!" he warned them. "And who told you that? I don't even think your father believed that tale gimli" I asked him curiously as I glanced back. He glares at me slightly and Aragon hits my hand, silently telling me to focus. I sighed through my nose and nodded, having a tight grip on my sword.

"Well, here's one dwarf she won't ensnare so easily. I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox!" Gimli yelled cockily, and as he did we were surrounded by my kin. I instinctively pulled out my sword and pointed it in the elf's face who was doing the exact same thing to me.

"Haldir. Good to see you, how's your ego, still as unbearable as ever?" I asked him curiously. I could feel Aragon's eyes burrowing a hole in the side of my skull. Haldir chuckles and lowers his sword. He strides over to gimli as he comments "The dwarf breathes so loud we could have shot him in the dark.", I can't help but snort at gimli's reaction, just like his father.

Aragon speaks to haldir in our native tongue but I ignore him slightly as I try to stop laughing at gimli's panic. "Aragorn! These woods are perilous. We should go back." He begs. Haldir, obviously trying to scare him, replies "You have entered the realm of the Lady of the Wood. You cannot go back.", he stares at Doris for a second before continuing "Come, she is waiting.".

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