Something Beautiful

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Its based of a wonderful comic
(The COmic doesn't belong to me)

Xion's POV

Here I am, sitting in Namine's room. She went to grab something. Me, yeah..I was nervous and freaking out mentally. I was sitting in my crushes room! HOW CAN ANYONE NOT FREAK OUT WHEN THEY DO THAT!? Anywho...You are all probably want to know how I ended up in the situation I am in.

    I was Calmly in my room on my phone playing whatever came to mind. I normally did this. Sitting in my room thinking of my friends, Namine, upon other things. That's when I noticed my phone buzzed. I looked over to see a text message. When I picked my phone up I nearly dropped it. 'Its from Namine? How? How did she get my number....wait...AXEL SERIOUSLY!?' I decided to be the nice person I am and reply back to her.
(Text messages below)
Namine:Hello! :)
Namine: I was you mind coming down? I need help with something and every one else was busy.
Xion. Oh. Sure, Of course. I don't mind! :)
Namine: Really! Thank you Xion. I'll see you in a bit!
I  put my phone down and that's when I freaked. 'WHY DID I SAY YES ALL ILL DO IS FREAK OUT!' I calmed myself as much as I could. AWWHWWH! I better hurry over!
*End of Flashback*

  Namine reentered the room and sat down in the chair across from me. She had a pencil and a sketchpad in her hand. "Okay Xion, I would like to draw a portrait of you." I looked back up at her. "A......portrait? Of me?" I ask mostly to my self. "Yes. I have do one for class. Why not do one of someone I know." Namine replied. She started drawing on the paper. I looked down then back up. "Umm, may I ask, why me?" She stopped drawing and looked at me. She smiled a bit. "Well, because....I wanted to draw someone beautiful." I could just fell my face heat I was just hoping she didn't notice. I looked down so she couldn't see my face. She went back to drawing.
   After a while, I was lost in my thoughts basically an internal argument. 'Would saying that make it sound like a confession or a good compliment? Should I say it!? IMMA DO It!'  I looked up at Namine. She looks beautiful when she concentrates, who am I kidding, she looks beautiful all the time. "Ah..Um...If you wanted to draw someone beautiful, shouldn't you draw yourself?" I say out loud instantly regretting it. I hear the sketchpad and pencil drop, and look up once more worried. Namine's face was red and she looked surprise. "Ah...Thank you..." She smiled. I got up and walked over to her and hugged her. It took for ever to gain the courage but I kissed her forehead. We both smiled softly knowing it was okay.
  After all, I thank the portrait drawing.

Hope You all Enjoyed!

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