A Dream Come True

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Ship: Axel x Roxas

     The worst part of Roxas's day was, ...School. He didn't hate it, he just didn't like what he went through and constant teasing. The teasing was from Riku and Sora, after he told them about his crush. Honestly, they let him survive through the day. Except, today. Today was the worst. Not because it was the twins birthdays and he cared for Ven and Vanitas dearly, it was who was coming to the birthday party. Axel. He didn't hate Axel either, he just couldn't control his heart or the blush that came to his face. He was Not thrilled.

      "Its a party, you'll be fine. You can stay near us." Riku said. "Then you'll head over there on purpose to embarrass me." Roxas laid his head on the table, accepting whatever death takes him. "I say, tell him. You've kept it hidden for almost 2 years Roxas. It hurts worse to keep it hidden the getting rejected." Sora says putting a small smile on his face. "Yea, and we'll be serious and help out if needed." Riku added. Roxas gave them a look at that comment. "I would be better off asking Kairi for help then." Hey!" The all laughed. The bell rang signaling class starting again.

       "Hey Roxas, are you heading and staying at the party tonight." Xion sat next to him as the feiry redhead sat in front of him. "Yea, I am. Riku and Sora are making me. I would've stayed anyways, its the twins birthday." "True." Roxas didn't mean to stare but god he was gorgeous. "You keep staring and he might look back and notice. "Xion whispered. "And you need to learn how to whisper more." He replied. "Yea yea."
       Roxas walked to his locker grabbing his things to go home when Kairi yanked him by the arm. "I heard, you need boy/ asking out help." She slightly jumped up and down excitedly, due to hardly ever being asked for help. "Who told you that!?" He frantically looked around. "Sora and Riku duuuh." "Oh" She started pulling him by the arm "If you don't start walking, I will drag you. Now come on, I have alot to teach before the party!" Oh god....

      Roxas stood by the snacks table, hoping to never be noticed. To him the advice didn't seem quite helpful. "Hello, Roxas." The voice started him that he jumped a bit. When he turned to see who it was, he almost regretted it. Its Axel. "Uh Hi." He slightly waved. "I'm guessing you aren't good with crowds?" "Hate them." Roxas turned back forward watching his friends dancing in their own unique way. Then the most feared music came on, slow dancing. Oh great. "May I have this dance 'm'lady'?" When Roxas turned he almost laughed. Axel was bowing a bit with his had out a bit. When Roxas he looked towards the right he saw Riku and Sora giving a thumbs up. This was his chance most likely, and-and he was going to take it. "You may" Axel took his hand and they danced. It seemed that almost the entire room was.  It was calming and Roxas enjoyed over than the fact that his wouldn't stop looking like a tomato. "You okay? You seem on edge." "Its nothing." When Roxas glanced at Riku and Sora they kept making gestures.  (A/N: Ready for chessy scene? Ya ready? Here we go) After a little longer while, it seemed like their faces were closer. Course, Roxas was freaking out, while it seemed Axel was very calm. Honestly both were nervous wrecks, just one was better at hiding at then the other. Though, at the moment it happened it seemed like a dream that never ended. There was a randomly shouted "About time!" (Courtesy of Riku).  It was a dream come true for both in a way.

(A/N: That ending was chessy. Well, I hope you enjoyed)

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