Flower Crowns

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Kairi x Aqua
(Please don't question. I found vid and wanted to write something)(Takes place after KH3)

Kairi sat in a field of multi-colored flowers. She was there with Namine, Aqua, and Xion. Call it girls day if you please. They wanted to get to know each other, since in the past none of them knew the other that well. That explains why, on such a beautiful day they are making flower crowns to share with the others. Kairi planned for them all to talk, but Aqua seemed distant not wanting to be near them, not wanting to be near her. "Kairi, make her a flower crown completely of blue and white flowers. That should cheer her up" Xion suggested. Kairi looked over at Aqua, the small blush returning to her face. It was like that since Riku, Mickey, and Sora returned with her and Ventus.
Kairi stood up and went on her search for the suggested colors of flowers. She wanted it to be as beautiful as the person she was giving it to. Lets say, this endless searching and putting together the flower crown lasted about thirty minutes. "Its pretty Kairi, she'll love." Namine gave her a soft smile for encouragement which Kairi returned.
She made her way over to Aqua and snuck up behind her. Not the smartest idea, of course, but Kairi thought it being a surprise is better. She softly place the crown upon Aqua's head and started a random speech. "I here by declare, Aqua, the prettiest flower in the entire feild" Aqua laughed a bit a the silly sceneario. She took the flower crown from her head and looked at it. "You made this, for me?" "Of course, I tried to make extra pretty too!" She placed a small kiss on Aqua's forehead.
Lets say that, they stayed there til decided to leave, holding hands and looking at the sky adorned in flower crowns.

A/N: Did ya like? Hope ya did! Well, see ya next time bye!

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