010. presentation

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unedited. "we're screwed! we didn't finish our project!" seokjin shook taehyung, who was half-asleep on the desk, from not sleeping yesterday. "how can you be sleeping, right now?!"

"hey, seokjin!" jimin called. "what are you doing for your projects?"

"we didn't do it but i think i'll just do amusement park or something."

"that's it?" jimin raised a brow.

"what do you mean?"

"you need more than one pastime." jimin said, leaving seokjin in disbelief and maybe a little relieved.


"good morning, class." seokjin announced. "over the past weeks, we were asked to find the best pastimes."

"and we decided that the best pastimes is," taehyung smiled at seokjin before he spoke again. "playing handball and drama plays."


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