003. finding

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unedited. "how could i even say i'd pick him up, when i don't even know where is his dorm room,"

frustrated, taehyung walked through the corridors of the dormitory, his fingers went through his hair, messing it up, not even knowing where to go, or what to do.

he walked passed by a few of his handball team members, stopping them as he looked around. "where's the drama freak?"

"uh, who?"

"the drama club leader, where is his dorm."

"oh... seo-"

"where is he?!" taehyung raised his voice, not really trying to be rude, he was just rushing.

"uh, one, four, two..." the male in orange hair, trailed off. "oh, here!"

which was right behind taehyung.

"thanks. jimin, you guys go ahead, the bus is arriving soon."

well, what more could he do other than knocking? as he did so, he kept calling on to the name drama freak, more like shouted, not really bothering about the others who were probably sleeping.

the door flung open, revealing the angry seokjin, already in his p.e. uniform, "do you think it is only the two of us here?"

"well, thankfully not."

"if we get called in, not my shit, you're on your own." seokjin locked the door.

"shut up, we're gonna miss the bus."

taehyung grabbed seokjin's hand but the older immediately pulled away, "i don't think we're there yet, big guy."

"well, hurry up!"


the corridors, the stairs, the hallways, everything was dark, it was six in the morning and the lights were still out.

despite all that, taehyung still ran. he ran as if a deadly creature was coming after him, he ran as if his life depended on it. he didn't really look at the big picture. what if he fell? what if he gets hurt?

well, i think we jinxed it.

right on the stairs, right on the cement-made stairs, right there, he fell.

seokjin swiftly walked down the stairs, immediately throwing taehyung's hands around his shoulders, having his hands wrapped around taehyung's waist.

seokjin watched taehyung's steps, making sure if he could walk or not. well, he was limping, every step he took, brought out a painful hiss, slipping out from the male's lips.

"are you sure you can play?"

"i have to. i never missed a tournament and i won't."

they walked into the gymnasium, gaining attention from the other players.

"he fell down the stairs,"

"you can't play taehyu—" jimin said.

"shut up. get your bags ready the bus is outside."

"but, taehy—"

"i said bags ready!"

taehyung sat anxiously in the bus, slowly poking his shin, wincing.

seokjin sat a few rows infront from taehyung, but he kept peeking at the captain, who sat alone. seokjin knew taehyung had many friends but he chose to sit alone.

"what are you looking at?"

jimin looked back, to search what grabbed his friend's attention.

"it's nothing," look at taehyung.

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