004. sure

578 65 21

unedited. i don't think coach will let you play, taehyung, what if the injury gets worse?" jimin said, concerned of the captain.

"the match starts in thirty minutes, warm up."

"don't avoid what i'm trying to say,"

"jimin, thanks, but you don't have to worry about me, just lead them up during warm up for me, will you?"

jimin forced a slight smile, sighing at the captain. as a teammate, he could only listen to taehyung but as a friend, jimin wanted taehyung to just sit this game out, afraid that the bruise would get worse.

taehyung tried everything to make his leg feel better. ice packs, ointments, sure it helped, but he still had trouble walking. if he barely could walk, how could he possibly run?

"uh, i know i shouldn't really care, but jimin's right. why not you just sit with me and tell me about the game?" seokjin joined.

"concerned looks cute on you, but thanks. make sure the water bottles are already in the cooler box."

"uhm, yeah, they're all ready." jimin pointed before heading back to the other side of the locker.

"taehyung, you're not playing." seokjin insisted, "i won't let you."

"who the hell are you to tell me what to do?"

"i'm worried that's all."


"me, and you, we just met yesterday, alright? and i already hate you." taehyung moved closer, as seokjin could only move backwards against the locker, where no one could see them.

"hate me all you want, but you'll thank me for stopping you." seokjin pushed taehyung away, tried walking away.

"i hate you so fucking much," taehyung muttered, pulling seokjin back, and kissed him.

"what are you doing?! what if someone sees us?" seokjin pulled away.

taehyung's hand drifted to seokjin's hip. it settled there and pulled seokjin closer.

the older inhaled sharply as he felt his body loosen and taehyung's arms caressed his neck.

"forget this happened."

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