**Chapter 1**

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        It was early August and I was getting sick of being Jaque Valentine.  Tomorrow was another day of getting asked out and saying no. I was the "pretty one" according to everyone. I'm sick of people acting like they know exactly one i am just because I'm pretty and boys only asking me out because I'm pretty. Lets just say I want a new life. Tomorrow was the first day of a new school year and I planned on starting it off right.  

        " GO HEAD AND TELL THEM SKINNY B******* THAT!!!!! " I sang at the top of my lungs as I pulled up to the parking lot of Oviedo High School. I got my drivers license six months ago and I drove a Kia Soul. I walked up the my school but didn't open the doors yet. I looked down at myself, I was wearing a pair of skinny jeans, a tribal print crop-top and my black vans. I wore my hair down and some mascara and peach lip gloss. I opened the door which made my hands feel cold from the metal surface of the door handle. I spotted my bestfriend, Nicole, and her boyfriend, Cameron, sitting on a concrete fencing area by our flag pole. I knew everyone there since it was my second year there except for this one guy that looked new. He had short blond hair and styled in like Nash Grier, which he looked good in. He wore skinny jeans, a deep blue v-neck t-shirt and a white pair of vans.  Not too shabby, I thought. I smiled and blushed when he noticed me staring at him. He chuckled and I saw Cameron wave for me to come over by him and Nicloe, which is exactly what I did. 

        Nicole started talking to Cameron and I looked over at that new kid. He was just staring at me, he had been for the past 10 minutes. I walked over to him leaving my bookbag with Nicole.

" Why are you staring at me?" I asked with a smile.

" Am I?" He grinned.

" Ha Ha Ha." I joked, rolling my eyes.

He just kept looking at me, not that I cared I'm used to it by now.

" What?" I asked finally, laughing a little. 

" Your beautiful." He spit out.

" Ha! First of all, I'm not. Second of all, I didn't realize I was talking to Augustus Waters." I joked.

" Your funny, no but seriously you are. We should hangout sometime." He winked.

" Okay?" I mimicked.

"Okay.' He followed.

We laughed in perfect synce and I walked away, waving. 


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