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I looked into his eyes "Please stay" my voice was very quiet.

The other giggled "We literally live together it's not like we won't see each other again" he then left the shower.

"B-but..." I whispered but it was too late. Minho was already gone. I just wanted him to be by my side. I guess I am already too clingy.

Soon I heard the bathroom door close again. And he's gone... I sighed and quickly finished the shower. Which turned out being more difficult than expected since every move hurt.

I turned off the water and left the shower. I grabbed a towel and started drying myself as I then went to grab my clothes I noticed something was off.

I thought I took a different hoodie. I'm actually also pretty sure that I don't earn a purple one. But since there was no other hoodie I put it on.

When it was over my head I already saw my blushing face in the mirror. While putting it on I realized that it was Minho's. Why? First because who else should've left their hoodie here and second it smelled like him. And let me tell you Minho smells good. Okay I agree that this sounded a bit... creepy.

As I was completely dressed I wanted to grab my sleep wear to put it to the rest of the laundry but I noticed it was gone. Didn't Minho say he doesn't want to clean up after me?

I stopped thinking about it and left the bathroom. I went into my room and saw that Minho wasn't there so I just grabbed my phone and left the room again.

Afterwards I walked downstairs and into the living room seeing Minho on the couch watching a show on the TV. So I did what I had to do. I went over to him and sat down next to him. Okay tbh I was partly sitting on top of him as I laid my legs over his and wrapped my arms around.

The older turned his head to face me and gave me a confused look "Is everything okay with you?" he laughed.

Have I done something wrong? Am I too clingy?

"Don't worry Jisung's always been clingy to friends" I heard dad's voice from behind. I didn't even knew he was there and I turned my head to look at him "Oh good morning dad, didn't see you there"

That explains Minho's reaction.

"Towards friends?" Minho whispered just loud enough for me to hear and smirked at me "So you see me as a friend?" he asked louder again in a nice tone but still with the smirk on his face since dad couldn't see it. With one if his hands he caressed my thigh.

My mind went blank his touch and smirk let me loose the control over my body.

"I gotta go now boys. Don't burn down the house" dad voice appeared again and soon after I heard the front door close.

"You should better answer my question now" Minho said this time more serious. I shook my head as an answer. "Then" Minho paused to place a kiss on my jawline "what am I to you?" he still smirked.

I didn't answer. Or better said I couldn't answer and also didn't want to answer because I was afraid to say something wrong.

"Hm?" the older tilted his head "You won't give me an answer? Well" he lifted my chin up a bit "I'll make you answer then"

He adjusted our position so that I would now sit on his lap with one leg on each side of him. With his arms around my waist the older pulled me closer to his body and into a kiss.

But even though I liked it I broke the kiss soon. I mean I know that dad just left the house but "What about your mum? What if she-" I got interrupted by Minho's lips on mine for a few seconds.

"She's already at work. Don't worry, baby, we're all alone" and his smirk was back the same way his lips were back on mine.

He placed one of his hands at my neck to deepen the kiss then he lightly bit my lip within the kiss. I knew that sign so I slightly opened my mouth allowing him to enter with his tongue.

This time I didn't want to make it that easy for him so I started a tonguefight for the dominance in the kiss.

Minho noticed and fought back. His hands slipped under my hoodie. The feeling of his hands on my bare skin gave me goosebumps all over my body and led him to succeed in winning the dominance.

His hands went to my legs again and he stood up and carried me. I squeaked a bit as he did this and tightened my grip around him. But the kiss continued. The older went to our shared room where he then let go of me and pushed me onto his bed.

"Close your eyes" he demanded. I hesitate for a second but then did as he said. I only heard shifting and was about to open my eyes as I felt my eyes getting covered.

"H-hyung what are you doing?" I asked quietly. "Don't worry baby you'll like it" Minho knottet the blindfold behind my head and then caressed my cheek. Then I heard how his steps slowly got away from the bed. I sat up trying to hear where he's going at what he's doing.

But I only figured out that he opened something then I heard some shifting again and then his steps getting closer to me again.

The mattress sunk down next to me signaling that Minhos sat down again. He placed something down on the nightstand next to the bed and then I felt his hands lifting up my hoodie.

"H-hyung" I stopped him by grabbing one of his wrists "Babe, I've seen your body before" he kissed the corner of my mouth "And I love it" now he kissed my neck. While he did so Minho lifted up my hoodie more. I stopped fighting against it and just let it happen. At some point he removed himself from my neck and soon after took of the clothing item.

"You trust me, right?" he asked in a rather deep voice while grabbing one of my hands. I nod my head. It was silent for a moment and Minho also didn't move.

But then he did move again and grabbed something "It's good that you trust me but I can't trust you yet" he said while lifting up my arm. And suddenly I know what he had grabbed because he tied my wrist to the bed.

I gulped as he did so. I would lie if I say I wasn't scared but my curiosity of knowing what he'll do was bigger than my fear.

Suddenly I felt something ticklish on my skin but when Minho grabbed my other arm I realized it must've just been his clothes. Soon after my second wrist was tied to the bed as well.

"I'm gonna have a lot of fun with you, babyboy" the older spoke and wandered over my body with his fingers. I bit my lips as I didn't have the possibility to do anything.

"Don't ruin those beautiful lips of yours" he caressed my cheek and I stopped biting immediately. He slightly chuckled before he leaned in for a kiss. I of course kissed him back.

Now that I couldn't concentrate on anything but the kiss I realized how good of a kisser Minho actually was. His soft lips moved perfectly against mine. Neither was it too light nor too harsh. It was just perfect.

At first I didn't even realize that Minho's hands wandered down my body but as he's opening my pants was when I realized it. I opened my eyes even though it was none of a use thanks to the blindfold. I mumbled into the kiss.

Minho broke it but I could still tell that he was only a few centimeters away from my face as I felt his breath hitting my skin "Psh baby, remember, I get what I want and I won't go easy on you" the smirk was present even in his voice.

His hands by the way never stopped moving and so it happened that he now was pulling down my pants and underwear at once.

Fuck... I knew that I was turned on by him and I also knew that it clearly showed. "Seems like you like that a lot" Minho's fingers circled around my tip making me quietly moan.


I'm sorry for the cliffhanger but I don't want to make every chapter 2000 words long ^^''
I actually planed making every chapter between 1000 and 1300 words but um well the last was over 2100 and this one's also over 1400 ^^''

the problem of a hot step brother | minsungWhere stories live. Discover now