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-a few months later-

Minho and I have been in a secret relationship for quite some time now and he still makes me the happiest person alive. I just wish I could show my affection towards him in public. There are so many girls and sometimes also boys who flirt with Minho. And all I can do is standing next to them and making a plan in my head how to kill those people. But I can't say anything. I can't go around telling everyone how I'm dating the most perfect guy on planet earth. I can't give Minho random kisses every now and then and I can't hug him for too long as well.

As important the happiness of our parents might be.. sometimes I wish they'd break up again so Minho and I could live a happy life. But then I get reminded that society probably still wouldn't support us since we used to be step brothers.

I sighed as all those thoughts came back to me. "What is it, Sungie?" my step mom asked as she walked to the couch to sit next to me. I thought for a bit wether I should stay quiet or if I should say something. Of course not the truth but at least something.

I decided "Have you ever been in love with someone who you're not allowed to love?" I asked her. She looked at me "So love it is.. Sungie you need to learn that nobody can forbid you to love someone. But also you need to learn that if you think it's wrong to love a certain person maybe to just let them go. If you have the feeling it's gonna hurt you then look for someone else where you're sure you're save look for someone who's not gonna hu-"

I stopped her "He's not gonna hurt me! It's everyone else who'll be telling us that it's wrong for us to love each other. But can love be wrong? I mean isn't it the right thing to do as long as you're happy in that moment?"

Now she was the one sighing, she placed a hand on my knee and looked me in the eyes "You can't be in a relationship with Minho"

I was shook. How did she know? We kept it a secret. Only the two of us knew. Well that's what I thought at least. "What are you saying? We're no-"

"Jisung don't try to hide it" tears started to fill her eyes as she probably didn't want to break my nor Minho's heart "You two make it too obvious. All those looks you give each other. You always sitting on his lap. All that cuddling" she pointed at my neck "Hickeys that suddenly appear over night"

I thought we were able to hide it but in reality everyone probably knew but was to scared to say it since it's weird to love your step brother. I looked down as I was too embarrassed to talk.

She grabbed my hand. "Jisung don't understand me wrong it's not your fault. Sometimes you fall in love with the wrong person. And sometimes love just fades away. I don't want you to be sad. You can find someone who's better for you, trust me"

"There's no one better"
"You're only at the beginning of your relationship.. I thought so too when I met your dad but-"

"Wait. Dad?" It suddenly hit me "No you're not going to leave us are you? You won't take Minho away from me that way!!"

"Jisung I don't want to do this either but your dad and I have been fighting constantly for the last few weeks" she didn't look at me "It's better if Minho and I move out again. It's better for the four of us"

-The End-

Here it is.. the end of book one
Hehe yes you read right
Book one
Idk yet when I'll write on book two but it's definitely going to come~
And before anyone is crying about what kind of ending this is
I did this on purpose so y'all will read the second book as well once it's out xD

the problem of a hot step brother | minsungWhere stories live. Discover now