Chapter five : a star thats lost its light

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Starr POV:

"I can't believe I could lie for so long." I said I noticed Kira and Suga near the door listening but I didn't care. "I wasn't in love with YOU, it was Minah who I was in love with."

He looked at me and shock and I heard Kira's slight gasp, but then the pop noise you do when you quickly cover your mouth.

"Then why did you kill Minah?"

"I didn't want to" I said and paused for a moment for him to be prepared for this "She wanted me to kill her"

Sungjae stared in disbelief.

"W'why would she want to die for she was ha-"

"That's what she told you! she wasn'y happy at all, do you know how ignorant you were to her?"


"I felt so bad, but she looked so desperate, she wanted to die that badly more than hurt you, hurt you by you having the thought you werent good enough, and she didn't want to hurt herself for continuing the relationship"

"Was that really the only way?"

"You know Minah, she's reckless and doesn;t think, it was a spontaeneous decision, but if you looked at her face, she didn't look like she regretted it, the first thing she did that she didn't regret for the first time in her life"

I saw Sungjae look down in guilt, he walked out of the room.

"Wait, sung-" Kira tried to stop him but he was out too fast.

Kira and Suga helped me up, when we got downstair sungjae was at the bar drinking the beer I bought, how was he already halfway through the case?

Sungjae, get your fucking life together.

Suga POV:

"Wait, suga" Kira said stopping me as I tried walk away.

"What?" I said turning around



"I... Nevermind" she said bitterly smiling

"No tell me" I said

"Well,,,, I think you already heard that I turned Sungjae down..."

"OKay so what?"

"Do you want to know the REAL reason why?"

"What is it?" I said, I wanted to go home but obviously she wanted to talk.


I looked at her dead in the eyes

"I'm sorry for realizing so late about your feelings, I'm sorry for waiting so long, but if you give me a cha-"

"NO" I coldy said

"What? I thought you loved me........ Why?"

"Two reasons, both ironic." I said ready to smartly explain "Don't get me wrong, I am still in love with you... But it's unfair to you and unfair to me, I am currently unhappy, and I don't want us to get dragged down because I could never be happy with you, and two, are you being so so selfish? Leaving Sungjae hanging, if you didn't love him you shouldn't do that, what was your plan to drop him if I accept you and get with him if I reject you?"

"Not exactly.." Kira said "I was going to hurt him either way/"

"I thought you changed" I said

"I have, just date me and I'll change for you! It's okay I'll make you happy I swear! Chaebal!"

"I don't know who you are anymore" I said and walked away quickly, she knew I wouldn't stop if she tried to stop me so she just stood there, I walked out of the house and sat in my car.

I can't believe I'm in love with this.. this monster, even after all the things she said, I still love and care for her, it's not right, either I'm comepletely insane or.... There is no or.

I watched though the window of Kira speaking to Sungjae, I was unsure what she was saying but Sungjae seemed to be too drunk to hear it.

Back on Monday; I had heard rumors about last night at a party, some crazy fangirl snuck in and started to take photos and record stuff, one of the rumors was how Kira rejected sungjae.

Two adults walked up to me, a woman who seems disabled and an extremely skinny man.

"Excuse me, have you seen Kira"

"Who are you guys?"

"We're her parents"

My eyes widened

"What do you guys want, why are you meeting her for huh? Asking to take her back?"

"Suga..." Kira said "I'll deal with them"

"Kira, we've come to take you back home!" My father said

"No, I don't want to be with you guys leave me alone, just live happily with-"

"MOM DAD" starr screamed running to her parents "PLEASSE TAKE ME BACK"

she was crying dangerously hard, she satrted coughing and wouldn't stop, she ran into the restroom and the coughing stopped.

Me and Kira ran inside and saw Starr on the floor, we turned back to get Kira's parents but they were gone. We called the police and it's confirmed that Starr has died today not because of terminal cancer but because of too much depression, starvation, and her crying to hard causes her heart to slow down. That's even worse than terminal cancer killing her because she did it to herself.

"You know.." Kira said while we were sitting outside of the hopsital "She was the only family I had. She might've been crazy but she wa ssuffering, and I wasn't there to help here, I could'nt help her."

"It's not y our fault" I said

"I know" she replied, her voice trembling "But I can't help but feel that it is"

I got a phonecall, it was Sungjae

Sungjae: hey dude, can you make an excuse for the teachers for me? I have a horrible hangover.

me: Can't, I'm at the hospital

sugajae: huh why?

Suga: well.. Starr passed away today in our shitty old bathroom. I'm with Kira.

He hung up.

"It was sungjae" I said ensuring Kira in case she thought I was gossiping or something.

A couple of minutes later Sungjae ran up to us

"Where i she?"

we lead him up to her death bed, the doctors were still cleaning out her stuff.

"Starr"" Sungjae said crying really hard. "Stop Joking around!"

More sobs

"Why did you have to die for me to realized that I actually love you? Even if you couldn't love me back because you were in love with Min... It would've been a priviledge! Stop Messing around pabo!"

Just watching this and listening was heartbreaking, but I had to be the strong person here, I can't cry. It's always me who couldn't, I was just something to lean on, things don't cry.

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