Asking you out

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I'm literally dreading this page it's gonna take forever. I could do one where you ask them out and I might later but for now this is it.
Also I don't really wanna do two different paragraphs for the characters so I won't do gender pronouns so it can be used for boys or girls in this chapter 💕

Girls / boys :

Archie : you were  sitting at pop's waiting for your best friend / crush Archie. He was having a lesson with mrs Grundy, cue eye roll. Every since he has been having her help him he hasn't talked to you or your friend jughead for that matter. It was ten minutes till 8 pm and you have school tomorrow. He was suppose to be here at 7.
"Want any thing else y/n " asked smiling at you.
"No thanks pop I need to go I have school and stuff if you see Archie .."you trailed off
"I'll tell him you went home, have a nice night y/n " pop smiled at you as you left. Halfway to your house you see someone walking your way. Archie .
"Hey y/n/n I thought we were gonna meet at pop's ?" He asked making you more angry than you have been in a long time.
"Seriously Archie! We agreed at 7 look at the time!" You said pushing him out of your way and continued walking. You heard him sigh
"I'm sorry I lost track of time " he said following after you.
"This was the last straw Archie! I can't take it anymore don't talk to me again" you screamed at him running towards your house.
"Y/n wait !" Archie screamed and grabbed your arm turning you towards him.
"What Archie what!!!" You said with tears in your eyes.
He stared at you for a second before grabbing your face and kissing you. You were shocked at first but you have been thinking of this moment for 4 years, so you kissed back.
"I'm sorry y/n " he whispered looking in your eyes.
"Why Archie ?" You whispered back trying not to cry .
"Why what " he said looking into your eyes
"Why did you stop wanting o he my friend? Why didn't you show up ? Why did you kiss me ?" You said stepping towards him.
"They all have to do with each other I didn't come cause I was nervous to tell you. I stopped talking cause I was scared and I kissed you amuse I like you . I wanted to tell you how I felt and ask you out." He said grabbing your hand.
You stared into his eyes
"Ask me "
"What " he said gripping your hand
"Ask me out " you said laughing at his confused face
"Y/n will you do me the honor of dating me ?"
He said stepping closer to you, your nose touches his.
"Yes " you whispered before you kissed him again.

Jughead : you were walking down the hallway go your high school with your Kevin and Betty. Betty and Kevin were talking about her crush on Archie and how she should just tell him already, you were thinking about your crush jughead jones. You have liked jughead for just about as long as Betty has liked Archie, you aren't so obvious with the crush as she was only one person knows and that is Cheryl blossom. How did she find out, well you had an English assignment where you had to write about your dream soul mate/ partner and you described jughead, she stole your paper and read it. You begged her not to tell and she agreed as long as you were her minion for a week. That was in 7 grade, she still smirks at you when you and jughead sit to close or are alone at your table together.
"Y/n tell better her and Archie are made for each other!" Said Kevin bringing you out of your thoughts.
"No we aren't. We are just friends. Kevin why don't you focus on finding y/n a boyfriend and stop worrying about me ." Said Betty glaring at your friend.
"Fine but we will come back to this topic" Kevin huffed before looking towards you.
" hmm well y/n there is Reggie or tucker obj you'd be perfect with Sam !" Kevin said bouncing in place in excitement.
"They really aren't my type " you said putting your locker combination in.
"Ok then what's your type ?" Asked Betty
"Well I like someone funny and witty and compassionate and loyal " you said grabbing your history book.
" sounds like you like jughead " Kevin and Betty giggled you just stared at them blushing looking at the ground.
"Wait ...YOU LIKE JUGHEAD !" Kevin said loudly making you shush him.
"Yes thanks for telling this whole hallway " you shut your locker and Betty and Kevin were looking behind your shoulder mouths open slightly in shock.
"Come on guys it's not that difficult to see why I like him. He is nice and caring and he makes me laugh plus he is super attractive." You would have continued going but Kevin  started shaking his head pointing behind you. You look back and see the object of your affection, jughead jones, you didn't know what to do so you ran out of the school to your house and up to your room wanting to disappear. There was a knock on the door you thought it was Betty or Kevin so  you answered it, it was jughead.
"Y/n listen it's ok ..." He started
"No I'm sorry I wasn't gonna tell you. I know you don't feel the same about me it's ok really I understand no worries ..." You rambled and he cut you off with a kiss you responding quickly.
"Wow what was that for ?" You said panting.
"I like you too y/n" he smiled at you
"Wait really ?" Y/n asked
"Yes I was nervous to say anything cause I didn't think you'd feel the same " he said as you grabbed his hand intertwining your fingers together.
"How could I not like you ?" You laughed he smiled at you .
"So this is the part where I ask you out I guess ?" He said squeezing your hand a little tighter, you nodded.
"Well y/n I think your amazing and wonderful you ways make me smile and when your not around I can't help but count the minutes till I see you again. Will you please go out with me." He said offering you a nervous smile.
"Of course I will " you said happily hugging him.

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