insecure part 2 (longer)

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Here is part 2 enjoy
Toni's is a little rushed but I didn't know where to go with it. Sorry
Fp (don't judge me ) -
You and fp had an age gap it wasn't a secret. AlMost everyone didn't have a problem with it. At least no one ever said anything when you two were out together, but no one had a problem saying things when you were alone,
Especially Alice bitch cooper.

"Oh look it's fp's new kid." Alice said making you roll your eyes.

"I'm just here to get my sister your comments aren't needed." You said and crossed your arms over your chest.

"You do know that you aren't his only fling right but you are the youngest must be a mid life crisis I just wonder when he will finally leave you." She glared at you and before you could reply your sister walked to the door.

"Come on mom wants you home." You said trying to keep your thoughts to yourself.
You know you shouldn't let Alice get to you but you couldn't help it.
She always knew what to say to make you hate yourself. Maybe she was right maybe you were just a crisis and he would leave you.

"You ok sis?" Veronica asked

" yeah I just ..I need to see fp. Will you tell mom?" You asked and she nodded at you.
You made your way to the trailer and knocked on the door.

"Hey babe..what's wrong?" Fp greeted when he opened his door he ushered you inside.

"I just wanted to see you." You hugged him and he squeezed you close.
" I can tell something's wrong what happened." He lead you to the couch.

"I went to get Ronnie from betty's house and Alice has some things to share, like how I'm your midlife crisis." You looked away from your boyfriend and he huffed he placed his hands on your chin to make you look at him.

"Baby Alice is just ... she has always been rude and she wants everyone to be as miserable as her. I love you I don't care if your 18 or 88 I love you!"  He kissed you and pulled you closer to him.

Fred (don't judge me harder ) -
Ever since you were young you have hated yourself. You never felt good enough. You were always told that you were stupid, ugly, or no one would ever love you. You believed what you were told. You tried to hide your insecurities but sometimes they came out and you got into really dark places. And recently you found that dark place full of your insecurities so you were in bed with pajamas you have been wearing for three days and your hair was a rats nest(really tangled) .
There was a knock at your door and you did not want to get up but  the knocking kept happening so you got up and answered the door.
" oh Fred ...hi?" You said when you saw your boyfriend. Fred looked you up and down.
"Are you ok? I have been calling but you didn't answer and moose said he hasn't heard from you I was just checking on you." You let him inside hopefully he wouldn't comment on how your house looked.
"Sorry Fred I just ..." you didn't know what to say to explain how you felt.
" moose said sometimes you get ..depressed and insecure and that he thought that was what was going on." He offered you a soft smile.

"Ya ..I'm sorry Fred I just get into my head." You tried to explain yourself.

"You don't have to explain yourself to me. I just didn't want you to be alone I want you to know that I love you and I'm here ." Fred was an amazing man no one has ever said that to you.
You hugged him tightly.

"I love you too fred so much." You said and pulled away from him. "I probably look horrible." You pulled at your clothes and took a step away from Fred.

"I think you look beautiful." He said making you smile for the first time in four days.

Sweet pea -
You have always been a little bigger then most girls. You always felt different but you tried to love your body. Somethings about your body didn't bother you but one of the things that did was your cheeks. It sounds silly to some people but to you it really mattered.
"Babe! You're so beautiful!"sweet pea said as he walked into your bathroom while you were starting your make-up.

"Sweet pea you are blind." You scoffed at your boyfriend

"Where aren't you beautiful?" Sweet pea asked "cause all I see is beauty and perfection."

"Well for one thing my cheeks are huge." You poked at the offending body part.
"They aren't huge babe." He rolled his eyes
"Pea yes they are I hate them they make me ugly." You frowned
"You're not ugly nothing makes you ugly I love you just the way you are. I love your cheeks, your eyes, your lips, your neck, damn baby I could go on but I love all of you so damn much." Sweet pea kissed your cheek and placed his hands on your hips.

"And if you ever think you are ugly again come find me so I can prove to you that you aren't ugly."

Fangs -
School was hard for you even since kindergarten. You had dyslexia and you hated yourself for it. You felt odd and different then everyone else you just wanted to be the same was everyone else and no struggle with schoolwork.

"Babe Toni wants to know do you want help with the English homework tonight?" Fangs asked as you grabbed your stuff from your locker.

"I'm tired of needing help!" You slammed your locker and walked away from your boyfriend.

"Hey wait." He caught up with you and grabbed your arm to stop you. " what is wrong with you?"
He asked.

"I'm just tired of being different and stupid." You huffed trying to get out of his hold.

"Don't talk about your self like that." He frowned at you.

"It's true fangs I'm stupid I can't even do basic shit!" You screamed making people look at you as they walked the hallway.

"Baby you're not stupid you just need a little more time and help that doesn't make you stupid at all." He tried to reason with you.

"Fangs you just don't understand how much I hate myself for being like this." You sighed and stopped fighting his hold.

"Babe you can't help it don't hate yourself for anything. I love you so much and you deserve to know that even if you have problems that you are still loved and perfect." He hugged you and you hugged him back taking a deep breathe.

"I love you too."

You had bad eye sight plain and simple you couldn't see without you glasses. It might not seem like a big deal to most but it really bothered you.

"Hi babe...wait where are your glasses?" Your girlfriend Toni asked as she walked into your bedroom.

"I decided to go without them..are you ready to go?" You asked the beautiful woman.

" you need your glasses." She said ignoring your question.

" I am tired of them so I figured I'd try to go without them." You couldn't exactly see her face but you imagined she looked at you like you lost your mind.

"You're ridiculous. I love your glasses and so should you." She walked closer to you and place the glasses on your face. "There now you can see." She smiles at you.

"Hi beautiful." You said and she kissed your cheek.

"There all better now let's go we wouldn't want to be late." She said and grabbed your hand pulling you out the door.

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