Imagine #2

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This is my own idea so I thank myself for thinking of this lol.

Cierra's pov

"Come on CiCi!" Said my brother F.P. As we walked towards pop's diner to meet Fred Andrews, my brother's best friend and my crush. I liked Fred Andrews since middle school and when I moved away after high school graduation I never forgot about the cute sweet boy. I kept in touch with my brother and he kept me in the loop with what was going on in riverdale, he would always bring up Fred and how he was still single and I couldn't help but be happy with that news.
"Hold on a second you're going to fast." I huffed as I tried to catch up with him.

"He is gonna be so happy you are back." F.p. Said with a small smirk on his face which made me roll my eyes.

"I doubt he even remembers me it's been 4 years, besides I'm just happy to be home I'm not looking for any relationships not that he'd be interested." F.p just shook his head at my response and his smirk grew as he lit up a cigarette.

(author's note : does f.p smoke why can't I remember ...any way let's pretend he does.)

"He always asks about you C ' has she called?' Or 'is she doing all right?' And sometimes he even asks ' does she talk about me?' As gross as it is that my best friend and sister have the hots for each other, I want you guys happy and if that is with each other than I'm ok with it." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer.

"Thanks bub ." I smiled as we walked into the all familiar dinner.

"There he is come on." F.p. Guided me over to the booth Fred was in.

"Cierra, I'm so glad to see you!" Fred stood from his seat and offered me a short hug.

" it's good to see you Freddy." I sighed into the hug.

The three of us sat and talked for what felt like hours in that a hours catching up.

" Cierra Jones, Is that you? My god it's been ages!" Tom Keller greeted you with a large smile.

"Tommy, hi I'm so glad to see you I was going to come see you at the station tomorrow f.p. Told me you became a cop." I hugged the taller man and smiled at my friend whom I missed greatly

"We should get together sometime definitely catch up." He said and his name was called up to the counter.

" of course Tommy. I'll be seeing you around." I waved and sat back down noticing the glare on Fred's face as Tom walked away.

"Don't worry Fred she says she isn't 'interested in a relationship right now' but I know she really means that she has her eye on one particular guy." Fp winked and smirked as he took a fry from my plate, which made Fred perk up.

"Shut up Forsyth." I groaned slouching in embarrassment.

"Don't be embarrassed CiCi it's ok." Fred said as I began to blush.

"Ya don't get all shy Freddy boy likes you too right Fred?" Trust fp to make things awkward and tension filled.

"God don't you know how to be quiet?" I asked and tried to hide my blush when a hand grabbed mine as it sat on the table.

" he is right though I like you too." Fred shocked me by what he said, fp always said he had a crush on me but I was to scared to believe it . I had my mouth open in shock and confusion.

"Close your mouth C a bug will fly in there." Fp laughed at my reaction and continued to steal food from my plate.

" I know you say you're not looking for a relationship right now but..maybe you'd like to go out with me on a date just to see what happens?" Fred blushed as he asked and it was the cutest thing I had ever seen.

"OF COURSE.... I mean ya that sounds good." I corrected myself my blush deepened and Fp barked out in laughter as Fred smiled widely at me never letting go of my hand.

*8 years later*

"Baby come on we are going to be late!" Fred my husband of 6 years shouted out at me as I looked for our son archie's new coloring book he wanted to take on his first day of preschool.

"Coming Freddy!" I respond as I grabbed the superhero themed book and rushed down the stairs.

"I'm all ready mommy." My small baby boy smiled up at me
from his father's side.

"I see that baby. Are you excited?" I asked as he placed one of his tiny hands in mine and his other he offered to his father, the three of us left our house and started to walk towards the school archie would be attending.

"Yes mommy, daddy said jug would be there in the same class mommy!" The little boy was just about vibrating with excitement.

"Yes and you'll see uncle f.p. When we drop him off." I said as I gripped my sons hand a little harder trying to keep the tears away.

The walk was to fast and we made it to the school in no time unfortunately. I can't believe my tiny baby is going to school! How? It seems only yesterday that me and Fred found out that I was pregnant.

"Uncle fp !" Archie screamed and let go of our hands and ran to his second favorite person his first being Fred.

" arch, Hi buddy." Fp smiled as his nephew over towards him and his son.

"Hi jug! Are you excited?" Archie asked his cousin as the five of us made our way to the school door where we had to stop and let the boys go to their class room.

"Ok baby mommy and daddy have to stay here you and jug have a good day ok I love you both." I kissed both boys cheek and bit my tongue so I wouldn't cry as the pair ran off.

"CiCi it's ok it's just preschool." Fp rolled his eyes as a tear rolled down my cheek and Fred hugged me to his side.

"First preschool next it's college!" I complained as we three walked back down the side wall where we came from making both men laugh at my ridiculous statement.

"We have to get to work babe but I'll meet you at the OB's office at 11 right?" Fred asked me once we made it to his truck in front of our house with fp.

" yeah it's at 11, I can't believe we are having another baby." I started to tear up again as I rubbed my small baby bump.

"You have made me so happy." Fred hugged me once more as I tried to keep tears away.

"I love you Freddy Andrews." I whispered in his ear before he pulled away.

" and I love you Cierra so much." He stepped away and got into the truck with fp.


Can we just take a minute and appreciate this? How can one person be so...perfect? 😧🥵😩🥺

perfect? 😧🥵😩🥺

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