Chapter 2

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Jonah was the the first one up as always. He gets up at 7am everyday now being used to it. He gets out of his bed groggily and walks over to his closet and grabbed black sweatpants and a grey tanktop then walked downstairs.

Jonah grabbed 3 pans and 2 mixing bowls and made pancakes, eggs and sausage. Daniel and Jack came down infront of a sleepy Corbyn.

They all sat at the table resting their heads on their palms. Jonah laughed and set their plates in front of them as well as the condiments. The oldest walked upstairs and into Zachs bedroom and seen him all curled up in his blankets clutching onto a pillow.

Jonah smiled and sat on the side of the bed running his hands though the sleeping boys hair.

"Zach wake up breakfast is ready" Jonah softly but loud enough said. Zach stirred and buried his head in the white pillow.

"Go 'way Jo" He whined pushing Jonahs hand away. Jonah chuckled shaking Zach a bit.

"Come on, you gotta eat!" Said Jonah, annoying Zach. Zach kicked his feet around not wanting to be woken up just yet. Jonah swiftly took the pillow Zach was cuddling and the blanket the younger was buried in and threw them off the bed.

Zach hissed and curled into himself shivering. "Jonah!" Zach whined. Now he was really annoyed.

"Get your lazy ass up and get downstairs and eat your damn breakfast!" Jonah frusteratedly yelled. (A/n Is frusteratedly even a word?)

Zach whimpered and got out of bed running downstairs, tears falling down his rosy cheeks. Yelling also was a sensitive thing to the young boy.

Jack noticed Zach running in the eating area and watched as he sat in his respected seat.

"Whats wrong bub?" He asked causing the two other boys to notice him.

"Jonah y-yelled at me and c-called me a lazy a-ass" He cried. Jack and Corbyn sighed while Daniel rubbed Zachs back.

Jonah stomped down the stairs with a scowl on his face. He sat down in his chair at the head of the table and looked at Zach.

"Zach I get you're tired, and stressed! We all are you're not the only one you know!" Zach buried himself in Daniels side crying harder.

"Jonah! You know he's sensitive! Why are you yelling at the boy?" Jack asked. Jonah rolled his eyes.

"He so lazy he's always acting up and he's acting like he's all that matters! And he's acting like since he's the youngest he has advanage of everybody!" Jonah yelled. Corbyn rolled his blue eyes angrily.

"Jonah! Have you even realized that he doesnt eat? Have you realized how he isolates himself? and how sensitive he is? How he tries to hide the fact that he cuts and scratches himself? Have you realized how he leaves for the gym at like 7 at night and comes back at around 12? No! because you are always too busy thinking you're all that!" Corbyn yelled and had everyone shocked.

He rarely yells. He only yells when he feels like its needed. And it was definitely needed. It was all quiet minus Zachs little sobs.

"Im sorry Im sorry Im sorry Im sorry" Zach repeated. Daniel pulled the smaller in his lap and rubbed his back.

"You're okay hun its not your fault alright?" Daniel whispered holding Zach close.

"It is my fault Danny! I starve myself and cut myself and scratch myself. I overwork myself Im exausted and my ribs are protruding out of me as well as my hips and bones! I cant fix myself. Nobody can fix me" Zach sobbed and started hyperventilating.

"Zach you need to breathe hun!" Daniel said standing up and walked in the living area. He laid Zach on the couch and crouched down.

"Hunny breath you're okay we're right here" Daniel soothed. He grabbed the inhaler from Jacks hands and put it infront of Zachs lips.

"Come on Hun use it you'll feel better I promise" Daniel coaxed and Zach opened his lips and older put it in.

"Thats it you're alright Bub" Jack soothed running his hands through Zachs brown locks. Zach was starting to breathe normally again. Jack pulled Zach in a hug and kissed his head.

"Dont scare me like that bub!" Jack said in Zachs ear. Zach got closer to Jack and buried himself in him.

"Please dont leave me" Zach whimpered. Corbyn walked around the couch and bent down, rubbing his thumb on Zachs shoulder.

"We arent leaving you love I promise. We love you Z" Zach smiled.

"I love you guys too" Zach mumbled and fell asleep. Jack kept playing with his hair.

"Look up ways to relieve stress, depression and anxiety" Jack sternly told the two boys rubbing Zachs shoulder and belly.

Daniel pulled out his phone first and then Corbyn. They searched and searched and searched. Jonah walked in phone in hand.

"Ageplay" He simply said making the three boys look at him in confusion. Jonah slipped his phone in his back pocket and frowned.

"What?" They asked in unison. Jonah sighed and walked over, sitting on the coffee table.

"I've realized how fucking ridiculous and stupid I am being and exausted and stressed and a few days ago when I noticed something was up with him I searched up ways to help out, and I came across ageplay" He explained and wiped a tear away.

"Whats that?" Corbyn asked sitting next to Jonah and rubbed his back.

"Age play is a form of roleplaying in which an individual acts or treats another as if they were a different age. So Zach would be the little and we would be the caretakers, his mind would go somewhere else. He'll think he's a certain age" Jonah explained

"What are the benefits?" Daniel asked sitting up.

"It helps relieve stress, anxiety depression, it helps with athsma attacks and panic attacks it makes people feel free and calm" Jonah explained. Jack nodded looking down at the little boys sleeping peacefully in his arms.

"I like it"


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