Chapter 13: Kill la kill (2)

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Did I mention there will be more chance of nudity? Good, cause you get special surprise this chapter


I couldn't get any sleep I was thinking about all that would transpire and how to counter act it without any repercussions.

Caleb: *whispering* Hey (Y/N)?

(Y/N): You can say my name now?

Caleb: Hurts like hell doin it, ya know. But I'm used to mental pain, so... Ever since I've been able to sense ki, I've had this feeling of an over looming threat in the future, which has been back up by dreams. What should I do?

(Y/N): An army.

Caleb: What?

(Y/N): Build an army. Besides, if you want the best shot at being king like me, you'd need supporters. And just by looking at you... You need all the help you can get.

Caleb: What did you say, you ass?

(Y/N): I'll leave you two be.

Caleb: Oi, (Y--

Ryuko: Caleb...?

I turn over to face Ryuko.

Caleb: Oh, nothing. Just heard you trying to talk to your uniform and wondering your sanity.

Ryuko: Ass.

Caleb: Sorry, sorry. It was a joke. Hey, since we both can't sleep, mind telling me your story?

Ryuko: *sigh* ...Well...


Oh, boy was I angry. It's one thing to hear it from the TV but another to hear it from the actual person. I calmed my self quickly

Caleb: *sigh* If I'd known sooner, I would have thrown Satusuki into a couple mountains by now...

Which was a lie, because I know it was the THOT! I then hear a bit of giggling, and see it's Ryuko.

~3rd person

Ryuko: Yeah, sure.

Caleb: I just can't believe you had to go through that... I mean, believe me, I know the feeling... I've lost....

Caleb then went closer to Ryuko and tapped her forehead.

Caleb: You know what, maybe we can train to take down Satsuki together!

Ryuko: Together? If you think you can handle it.

Caleb: Then let's do it when we have time.

Caleb smiles for a moment before turning to face away from Ryuko.

Ryuko: ...Hey...

Caleb turns back.

Caleb: Yes...?

Ryuko: You stopped short... What where you gonna say? What's your story?

Caleb: Hehe... I didn't think you'd pay attention to that...

Ryuko: Wha-- of course I would! Why wouldn't I?!

Caleb: No-- it's just... *sigh* Never mind... I don't like talking about it, but maybe... I'll tell you one day... Night, gear eyes.

Caleb then drifted to sleep. Ryuko looked at Caleb with a slight frown, before trying to fall asleep herself.

~Next day


Caleb: Ah, the wonders of nature.

(The surprise. --->)There were two cat's fucking as we passed them on the tram to school. 

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