Chapter 15: Kill la kill(4)

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I let out a yawn as we walk into the school

Mako: What's wrong, didn't ya sleep~

Caleb: Nuh-uh... Wait... Why are you talking like that?

Mako: Oh no reason...

Ryuko: I can't shake this feeling that something bad's gonna happen...

Just as she say's that, we see an arena set up with Satsuki walking down some stairs.

Ryuko: Satsuki Kiryuin.

Satsuki: Correct, Ryuko Matoi.

Caleb: 'Naruto and Sasuke?!'

Ryuko: Hmph. I gotta hand it to ya, this is some welcome. So, you got something on your mind? Or are you just gonna stand there lookin tough?

Satsuki started to walk down the her giant staircase.

Satsuki: The last time I saw you, you said we would, quote, "Finish this thing."

Ryuko: Well aren't you the conscientious type?

Caleb: Hey, Mako, you'd better get back.

Mako: Will do! I want to live a long and healthy life!

Mako then runs off.

Satsuki: Congratulations. You two have the honor of being my first offering to Junketsu.

Ryuko: Junketsu? Purity? Didn't know there was anything pure about ya.

Satsuki: Allow me to show you.

She taps something on her arm, and her uniform sparkles, transforming. And holy shit, that's hot. I see this uniform is designed to show off more ass than tit. Isshin Matoi, you lovable bastard you. All the one star students have a hint of blush as they clap for her.

Ryuko: What the hell is that?!

Satsuki: You're not the only one with a Kamui. This is Junketsu!

Caleb: Uh-oh. Looks like little miss Satsuki brought something dangerous to show and tell.

The two start to walk towards each other, and the elite four guy in the blue hair comments on the force of wind they created with just there will power. Though that all went out the window when Ryuko got hit into the school. Oh, hey. Here she comes fly back out. Ooooooh... aaaaand, Mako! Oh good, Ryuko's transforming again.

(Y/n): Oof, did you just summarize that up all in a few sentences?

Sadly. Oh, hey, she can keep up now! Aaaaand it's over.

(???: Yo, stop like, being a savage to the fight.)

(Author: Who is this, and can I kill them?)

(Y/n): Go ahead.

No ones stopping you.

(Author: Good.)


(Y/n): Ah... Life finds a way...

... Wrong quote...

Satsuki: Honnouji Academy is my kingdom. If you think you can topple it by yourself, then I accept your challenge. Starting tomorrow every club will be after your head. Still think you can win?

I seemingly teleport beside Ryuko.

Caleb: You can bet your nice round ass she can! Hell, I'll do it with her, and take this whole darn school and sink it into the water where it belongs! Right, Ryuko?

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