chapter 1: so it begins

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before i start this story i want to give a huge shout out to my editor and partner Marsisfire

 In a world up in the clouds far to high for any normal human to climb lived a village of cloud people and running the town was king hail, queen mist, prince cloud, and princess rain, there is also rumored to be another prince the twin brother of cloud that had not made it but rumors are just rumors. The storm land and cloud village have always been toe to toe ever since the beginning and since they knew that the storm land was planning something destructive they needed someone to go undercover so they chose their youngest son the cloud prince. They had a feeling that this wasn't the best idea but cloud didn't mind. The thing about cloud is he's a crybaby others would say spoiled but he isn't he has separation anxiety so he had his big fluffy white dog he named frost. His older sister rain, being the calm lady she is,helped cloud become more like the storms. They changed his fluffy white hair to black with an undercut and his innocent pale blue eyes to sharp piercing yellow eyes like lightning and his pale soft skin became a bit more tan and his dog became dark like a storm cloud and he looked like a lightning cloud sometimes sparking metal around him that scared both of the siblings. Once cloud saw his reflection he started to cry he looked to different,his sister pets his head "It's okay it won't last forever the sooner you get all the info we need the sooner we can change you and frost back but for now your name will be shadow and frost can be bolt alright but don't be sad okay." she says and cloud nods and rain gave him a bracelet that turned into a holographic screen. "Is this what's going to keep us in touch?" cloud asked and realized his voice had changed it was a bit more deeper and harsh sounding "Oh no i'm so sorry rain that sounded mean!" cloud said and rain giggles. "Don't apologize I want you to act more storm get into character you know?" rain says with a smile and cloud smiles back "if it'll make everyone happy I promise." cloud says and got frost and headed out to go to the storm side putting a muzzle on his dog just to make them look cooler. "Remember frost you gotta look tough and mean okay." cloud says a little excited so was frost they looked around the place "It's so dark and sad looking." cloud mutters walking along the road,everything looked straight out of a comic book nobody looked happy to be outside it was just so gloomy. Cloud hurried his pace and ran into someone and it was a boy. The boy yelled at him so frost growled and barked at the boy and cloud started to silently cry and his hair started to look like lightning and that had the yelling boy stop "Are you f****** crying?" the Boy asks confused. Cloud shook his head "N-no i'm not crying!" cloud says wiping his tears and frost turned around to calm cloud down "Oi! what's your name you da** crybaby." the boy says and cloud looked at him "cl- shadow my name is shadow!" he says with a smile and the boy looked confused he twirled his long dark yellow hair with black stripes though having it up in a high ponytail his pale skin looking as if it's been struck by lightning and he had circle lense glasses on and he was a little scary looking.

Thinking about it almost everyone there was a little scary "I'm strike.... " The boy,strike says and silence fell over the two "follow me we'll talk." Strike says and starts walking cloud follows. "So what do you do for fun?" cloud asked "fun? What do you mean? The last time i've had fun was as a little boy before things turned to hell." strike scoffs and cloud looks away "well what do you do in general?" cloud asked looking up at strike as he walked beside him "well I take care of my library and the library at the palace that's pretty much my life." strike says and took a pause "You know, you're very vulnerable this place doesn't seem like it's for you. You act more like those cloud folks it's a surprise the king hasn't broken you yet." He says this and that seemed to get cloud a little nervous "b-broken? Like they hurt you or something,..right?" cloud says and strike nods. "Have...they.. hurt you?" cloud says and strike just nods like they weren't bothered by it "Does it hurt?" cloud asked "if you press down on it hard enough but other then that,no not really." he says and frost nudges strikes hand to try and cheer him up strike pats his head but didn't smile at all. "My dog bolt is mostly for emotional support he calms me down mostly." cloud says "So shadow do you still have your parents or are you working?" strike asked. "I think it's safe to say neither because I don't have parents but I don't work either." cloud hated that he had to lie but he has to get his info "maybe i can work in the palace with you it doesn't sound that hard." Cloud says "I don't think someone like you should work there you might have to loose the dog and you might get broken faster if you start crying." he says "As long as i'm close to you I think I'll be okay. I think I can trust you." cloud smiles and strike smiles back softly once he realized what he did he looked away and walked a little faster cloud catches up with him "did something happen?" cloud asked and strike shakes his head "It's nothing shadow don't worry i'm just taking you to the palace see if I can get you a job cleaning so we could stay together you know? So that you don't have to get broken." strike says and cloud nods. "But when they break you what happens?" cloud asked and strike looks down at cloud with a sort of glare "Don't worry about it." he says and cloud looks away "S-sorry strike I, was just curious." he apologized "You know,with the way you act it doesn't match the way you speak you know. Like I bet you can't cuss without being guilty." strike says watching him closely. Cloud looked away "I totally can do that without feeling guilty!" he says "Oh really now? Alright say fu***** bi***" He says. Cloud looked shocked he gulps and takes up some courage, "f-fu--" Cloud couldn't do it he didn't have the courage "Any day now." strike says glaring and cloud blushed "fu***** bi***!" cloud says and a few people stare at him so he slightly glares "what." he says and people look away, he smiles "I'm scary now...oh no that's a bad thing" cloud says and strike looks at cloud "No it's not bad everyone here is like that in their own way clearly you don't get out much if you don't know that." strike informs and cloud nods seeing that they were in the passageway of the palace. He stops so did strike this was the start of his mission and he was ready. Scared but ready. 

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