Chapter 5: take a moment

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Rain sighs worriedly on how long her dear little brother could hide. She sent out a message to the kingdoms army to send for a small group. This was going to have to be an in and out job possibly more info if they can she sent her top women to dress as maids and go find cloud and his friend and bring them back safely. Even though one of the generals didn't fancy girly clothes they still had to buckle down and dress up anyways although her dark skinned friend had to give her some courage . Like anyone would be the two girls were nervous but determined to carry out the mission. Once the two of the cloud kingdoms generals had made it to clouds location they open the door and look at cloud "Hello prince cloud! We were sent by the princess to save you and your friend." A girl with dark skin and dark hair down to the bottom of her shoulderplates and put into a braid with another girl with slightly pale skin who had her black hair in low pigtails. Cloud nods "Alright strike let's go!" cloud says and strike follows while frost walks next to the girls to protect the prince. people in the kingdom didn't think much they were thinking that those girls had captured the boys and were taking them to the castle. The dark skinned girl looks to the lighter one "Hey Rei didn't you think this was going to be more intense?" the dark skinned girl asked "Well,yeah but don't jinx it jay." Rei said as she looked around the corner. Jay smiles "As long as i'm with you this adventure is worth it~" she flirts and cloud giggles because Rei got flustered,angrily she shouted "Shut Up now isn't the time to be saying stuff like that!" Rei whisper yells as the dark skinned girl who just chuckled 'so cute' she thought. Strike was just stifling a laugh. Cloud looked at the two with a smile "I wish I knew you two more often." cloud says "Oh really! I didn't think you would want to know us it's an honor my prince." jay said with a smile and cloud giggled once again happy to see more friendly faces they all soon saw the road was empty and that had the girls on guard and once rei heard someone behind her since she was in the back she turned around and saw a guard was there smirking but before he could talk she attacked the man and the man fought back so jay jumped in to help her. Frost had growled and went to fight too biting the guard and the man kicked the dog "frost!" cloud says and went to get frost the man sees cloud and chucked "Oh well look who it is,it's the cloud prince" the man says and his main focus was the prince but the girls wouldn't give him the chance. When once jay got a good grip on the man's head she had them visualize the most painful memory they had and that had the man have a mental breakdown jay didn't really like using her power since it made her seem evil that's why she was so nice to people because she wanted to be forgiven if she had to take things to the extreme. Jay looked at everyone strike didn't have an expression cloud looked worried about the man and rei stare for a few seconds jay felt a little guilty "L-let's go guys chop chop."Jay says with a clap of her hands and started walking leaving the man behind in shock. "What did you do exactly?" strike asked and jay looked at him "oh just a power i have it just messes with your mind" she says and strike thinks "like the king?" he asked and that had jay offended "well excuse me,cloud's friend i don't do it very often I'll have you know."jay says and looked away crossing her arms and rei gives jay a pat on the shoulder and strike looked down at cloud who was just walking with frost who didn't seem all that affected from being kicked but was struggling a little bit. Nobody noticed too busy on escaping,but strike did and he picked frost up making frost lick strikes cheek happily which made strike a bit disgusted at the new contact. Cloud giggles behind he sleeved covered hand. "So gay." the two girls mutter to each other at the same time with a Grin the two girls laugh at each other for how goofy they act. Once they make it back to the cloud kingdom everyone stared mostly at strike due to the way he looked since they didn't know about the mission cloud had. strike heard things like "did he trespass?" "is the prince hurt or anything?" "he kind of looks cool" strike looked at the people and felt uncomfortable so he just stayed near cloud and they saw princess rain waiting for them at the palace entrance she went over and hugged cloud tight "rain i can't breath!" cloud says and rain let go she pets frost with a smile "i'm so glad you boys are okay how was the watch working for you?" she asked and cloud giggles "it was fun i looked so cool You're so smart!" cloud says and rain blushed "it's nothing really there is still stuff i gotta add and fix" rain says with a shrug and strike put frost down but frost jumped back up into strikes arms "oh okay." strike says and held frost in his arms which made cloud smile. Everyone entered the palace and cloud looked to strike "so where do you want to go?" cloud asked and strike looked around the entrance "i'll just follow you if that's okay" strike says and cloud nods rain went up to cloud "hey let me see the watch i want to work on it" rain said and cloud hands her the watch and rei and jay went back outside probably change and go back to training but rain went up to them "hey girls i'm sorry to bother you but when you change can you go out and patrol with a couple men and patrol around just to be safe?" rain asked and the girls nods and head out. Cloud walks a few flights of stairs up to his room that had a little light blue cloud painted on the front he opened the door to his room and flopped down on the bed "ah so cozy~!" cloud says and strike sat on the bed 'it's soft' he thought to himself "hey you're quiet is something on your mind?" cloud asked and strike shook his head "you are one big wonder strike" cloud says and strike let go of frost and frost went to his cute little dog bed he missed,it was decorated with cozy grey blankets and cloud patterns cloud laid on the bed looking at strike who looked back and the romantic tension started again and the two guys just stared into each other's eyes for a while strike let his hair loose and put his glasses back on "You know, y-you look cu- uh smart with your glasses on!" cloud says and strike lightly blushed hiding it behind his hair "Thank you they were my moms" he said "Do you act more like her or your dad?" cloud asked "Well none really i guess i used to act like my dad as a kid" strike says "what was he like?" cloud asked and strike thinks "he was confident, smart, strong, and overall a good person but when i was young some guards came in and took him away to be broken and later on he left me and my mother and we had to raise my sister and i by herself" strike says with a sigh. Cloud moved strikes long hair away from his face and gave him a hug "does it bother you?" cloud asked and strike shook his head and started to braid his hair over his shoulder. Cloud nods and sits next to strike with a smile "i think i act more like my mom she's so sweet and peaceful and she likes to bake sometimes so as a kid i was always helping in the kitchen it was like a private place for me at night and during big fancy dinners i would sneak under the table and fall asleep and the maids would be looking for me and i'd be under the table!" cloud says and started laughing strike smiles softly 'this kid' he thought to himself "you remember all of that? Your childhood lively i envy you cloud" strike says and cloud smiles "i understand i know how lucky i am but now that you're with me don't worry i'll make sure you're happy" cloud says and strike blushes 'this kid...' strike thought but smiles softly "thank you strike you're very kind" strike says 'let's take a moment to stay here...i want this moment to last' strike thought and cloud started to fall asleep so strikes lays down next to him and held him close while cloud slept strike eventually fell asleep too.

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