Chapter 11:rascal

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The next day in the cloud castle rain had kept her attention fixed on the mysterious boy from yesterday and once she was able to catch him alone she went up to them "so...what's your name?" she asked and the boy glanced at rain with a blank stare before he kept dusting the room it seems that was the task given to him rain tries again "Why did you want to work here so bad?" she asked sounding sweet but inside she was a little frustrated "Because my mother did too" he says and rain nods "what was her name?" she asked "Harmony." the boy said blankly and rain nodded again and took a better look at the boy. He still had his cloak on but the hood was down he had white hair with grey streaks in it and he had pale blue eyes "Your hair is pretty did you know that?" rain asked and the kid shrugged "Do you mind telling me your name?" rain asked again "A-angel." the boy says and rain pets the boy's head but he moved away "I like that name it's cute." she says and the kid got embarrassed "I-it's not." he says with a little blush and rain giggles "How did you get onto the balcony?" rain asked "i climbed with a tool" he says and rain just nods "do you still have it on you?" rain asked and the boy shook his head and rain believed him "how old are you?" rain asked "t-ten ma'am" he says "where are your parent's at angel?" rain asked and the boy got tense and he sort of glared at rain "none of your business... don't you have a kingdom to run? Why are you questioning me?" he says and rain was taken aback by the kids words she must have brought up a mad memory "perhaps i've overstepped but if you even want to be honest i can help you okay a kid your age shouldn't be carrying such a burden on their backs okay?" rain says and the boy didn't respond he looked away.

Rain had decided she wouldn't push the subject and left him to clean even if she felt guilty for making the boy upset but she just kept coming up with more questions she went to her room and wrote them down. That little boy could be dangerous with all the secrets he knows what if other people know or find out? Rain just wanted to stop thinking about it but she couldn't she groaned and felt like giving up but she didn't because that's not what a good queen would do. Rain always felt so stressed to try and be the best queen she could be she didn't understand how her parents were so calm and rational all the time she just went to her room and worked off the stress. After a good hour a maid had come in with some coffee for rain "hey um may i ask you a question?" rain asked the maid who looked delighted to be asked that question she nods "so there's this kid and he won't tell me what's wrong but thing is i feel like he's a threat but i want to help him what should I do?" rain asked and the maid thinks "give him a moment to warm up to you he might not think you're being genuine" the maid says and rain thinks and the maid speaks again "but if you want i can have some people look out for him and see if he tries doing anything suspicious if it helps" the maid says and rain ods "yes thank you but please don't overwhelm him and make sure he doesn't notice i don't want him feeling like an outcast" rain says and the maid nods "if that was all you needed i'll be on my way if that's fine with you" the maid says and rain nods "thank you have a great day" she says with a smile and the maid bows and leaves quietly shutting the door behind her. Rain had thought to herself about that kid she's never met a kid like him he didn't know kids could be like that. Rain had sighed drinking her coffee she continued her work in peace. Back in the kitchen the angel works along with three other maids he felt someone staring at him he started to feel paranoid so he quickly finished up his work and left the room he had hidden in a closet away from people he wanted to be alone but he liked his job he just didn't like people especially staring. Once he had gotten ready to head back to working he leaves the closet and heads to dust the library since he was so young the only job people would let him do was dusting and sweeping which to hi was kind of boring but he sort of liked dusting a little he looks at the books he was looking for history books he liked studying history book taking flaws from them and coming up with theories just like his grandpa did. He grabbed a few books and started to dust the room humming a song his mother sang to him as a young boy he held his mother dear to him and he missed her the most he never knew his father so his grandfather was his male role model. His grandpa loved conspiracy theories and believed that there was life under the clouds everyone thought he was crazy but when angel had sat down to listen he believed everything his grandpa told him. He had finished dusting so he swept the room gracefully dancing with the broom as he swept he would dance with his mother whenever music had played he loved doing so too once he finished he saw a woman looking at him from the doorway with a smile he gets embarrassed and looked away "you're a pretty dancer" the woman said and angel didn't say anything she woman goes over and pets the kids head then walked away.

angel had quickly put up the broom and ran off with the history books in his arms he goes into a fairly large empty closet and stayed there taking a pen with a flashlight attached and turned it on as he read the books comparing them in a notebook he had he found some plot holes and started to come up with a new theory and he smiles he always feel so smart when he comes up with ideas and really disappointed when people shut him down. After a while he gets tired and falls asleep in the closet on the floor he didn't mind at all.

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