chapter 1

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I was working at my bar when my ex-boyfriend came in my eyes widen me I called Lily over  

"what do you need Mari?" she asked

 "Luka is here,  if he asked about him tell him that I went home sick I am going out before anything happens"I said as I grabbed my phone and wallet I then grabbed my keys and started out of the bar he was at the bar well Lily Distracted him I open the door and walk out right as someone tackled me to the floor I started to fight back,some people were yelling the guy threw punches and right then and their pulled a dagger cutting my side I then punched him where the sun never shines as we were pulled away 

"Are you alright miss" asked the male officer

 " I am just fine" I said as I got a good look at him I saw that is was my ex-boyfriend that I left 2 years ago he doesn't recognize me because I don't have my tips dyed light blue and I have changed a lot I then hissed out in pain 

"Marinette?" he asked he knew my name because I am a famous boxer and I own many bar/cafe all over Europe and America 

"he cut my side," I said as paramedics came as they clean I explain to them that it was my ex-boyfriend and that I had a protection order against him and that he was not able to come into the bar that night as I got home I saw that Anne was there with Emma 

"miss where have you been?" she asked

 "I was at the bar late and then Luka attacked me, "I said as she nodded asking a few questions and then leaving I got ready for bed and I got Emma ready I put her in her crib and fell asleep 

next week 

I was around 6 in the morning when I got up getting dressed into leggings and a tank top I got Emma ready with me as I grabbed her bag and walk out to the car I park by the bar/cafe I walk to the gym I walk in putting Emma's blanket on the floor and her also giving her a bottle 


I and Nino were in the cafe having lunch we were talking when my phone rang "Hello" 

"Adrien we think we found her," Plagg's voice came 

"what you think?" I asked 

"yes we have to still look into it but if we find out for sure we will tell you," Tiki's voice came I smile 

"okay thank you I will let Nino and Alya now" 

"okay have a nice break"

Nino looked at me, I smile "Plagg thinks that he has found Marinette but he has to make more research" I said as he smiles 

"wait who is this Marinette?" he asked me "my ex-girlfriend she went missing when I went to England to visit her" I said he nodded 

"do you think you will move on?" he asked 

"I hope so but I also want to make sure she is okay" 

"me too, did you know that boxer Marinette Winter is going to be boxing today right know" he said 

"oh really?" I asked as I grabbed my phone I turn it on I saw that she was boxing she did even have a scratch on got punched 

"and the winner is Marinette" the ref yelled out making everyone cheer as she waved 

"wow I have never seen a girl fight like that in France" Nino said I nodded

 "and there you have it Marinette Liz Winter brings the win to pairs again" the ref yelled out as she left the rink 

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