last chapter 7

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I was in master Fu's office Emma was with me I was sitting in the chair as me and Mater Fu talked right then there was a call on the computer Fu answers me there was a picture of Marinette tired to the chair her head was down she wasn't moving Luka comes into the screen

 "aw look who we have here," I said I hand Tikki Emma

 "get her out of here for know," I said as she nodded 

"aw poor baby Emma," he said Marinette head shoots up 

"Leave my daughter alone" she snapped her eyes widen as she sees me Luka come up to Marinette grabbing her chin forcing her to look up "so the great Chat Noir has finally had a weakness" he smirks

 "you lay a hand on her and you are dead" I barked 

"oh but there is more Emma was it well your ladybug here is doing a good job of protecting you, you see she left you a year ago so I would not kill you but all she did was cause trouble she first released your mother and one of my father's prisoners also she had your baby, Emma she is your daughter but know I will take away Marinette you will never see her again any last words" he asked as he looked at Marinette 

"yes, I love you, Adrien and Emma, when I saw you again at the bar when you came to my need of help," she said as he hung up my eyes widen 

"they are at the bar," I said as Fu looks at me

 "who do you know that?" he asked 

"that was the first place where I saw Marinette with Nino," I said as he nodded Tikki came in with Emma 

"what about Emma?" she asked

 "I want you to stay with Emma and people to protect them once Luka is gone the rest of his friends will leave," I said as everyone nodded as we all moved out and to the bar


its been 10 minutes I knew that they were here, Luka looks at me "let's move out in an hours Felix stay with her all-time" he said as he nodded when everyone was gone he loosened the rope can you slip in and out" he asked as I nodded 

"yes" he nodded right then Luka came in running 

"cops are here they are everywhere," he said panting he looks at me madly

 "you gave them our location " he yelled pointing a gun at me right then Adrien comes in with a few officer guns out

 "Luka you're under arrested," he said

 "no if I can't have her you can't" he yelled everything went so fast my ropes got stuck as I tried to get out of them Felix step in front of me he falls to the floor as Luka yelled


 "Felix" I finally get out of the ropes dropping in front of him holding pressure on his wound to stop the bleeding 

"Thank you for helping me and my family" he whispered as EMS came "get him first," I said as they nodded taking him away Adrien run up to me 

"Marinette" tear start going down my cheeks as  I cried he wrapped his arm around me 

"Oh god Adrien" I cried as he held me tight "I'm so sorry I won't ever leave you alone" he cried 


It's been a week I found out that I had a brother and I and Marinette have been living together and it felt like a family Marinette is back on the job and so am I my mom is happy to have Emma back and my brother Felix is dating Marinette's brother that lives in America that has just come right know me and Marinette where in bed well Emma was sleeping I had my arms wrapped around her

 "I love you" I whisper as she turns around kissing my lips

 "I love you too" she whispers as Emms start crying I groan as she laughs as she kicks me off the bed I walk over to Emma picking her up as I calm her down Marinette was watching from the bed smiles I look over to her smiling up this was my life know 

I lied I I'm going to finish this today I was thinking of getting it down on Friday but that's to faraway hope you like it thanks for reading 


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