chapter 2

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one week later 

I got dressed in black jeans my boxing jacket and a tank top I picked up Emma as we walk to the cafe where I was going to work when well I was walking I saw Luka and his boyfriend I then got the shop and ran to the back as Emma started to cry I started to quiet her down as I looked at the cameras I saw Luka and his boyfriend walk in to the cafe I then grabbed my phone


"This is Marinette I own a cafe and my ex-boyfriend is here in the cafe and he is not allowed to be here I have a protection order against him," I said 

"Okay ma'am you need to calm down we have officers in the area," she said as I calm down, Emma 


we were in the cafe again having lunch when a call came in 

"We have an owner calling from Bar Noir," my radio said I press down

 "I'm in the bar with Nino right know," I said 

"go to the back and check on the owner" I looked at Nino as he nodded we both walked to the back there was a door to an office we open it to see Marinette Liz Winter with a baby in her arms 

"thank god, your here," she said

 "what can we do for you?" I asked 

"I have a protection order against my ex and he is here in the bar with his boyfriend he attacked me a few nights ago," she said 

"is that his child?" Nino asked 

"no," she said as I nodded 

"we will do what we can I will have Nino stay with you," I said as she nodded 

"thank you he is the one with blue hair," she said as I nodded  I walked out I saw him with his arm wrapped a guy 

"Sir, I need you to leave," I said as he looked at me 

"what did I do wrong?" he asked

 "Luka your not allowed anywhere near this place or around Marinette," Alex said she was one of the workers behind the bar 

"Leave my boyfriend alone he did nothing wrong,"  the guy next to him said 

"I'm sorry Luka but your not welcome here I am placing you under arrest for coming in," I said grabbing my cuffs from my belt 

"no," he said h pulls out a gun

 "EVERYONE AWAY HE HAS A GUN" I yelled out as I pulled mine out the boyfriend jumps at me throwing both of us on to the floor 

"your ass we were going to kill the girl and grab the baby" he yelled out as Nino came out shooting his gun Luka falls to the grounds as everything went black


I was at the hospital with Adrien my heart was pounding as I held Emma Adrien was her father but to protected him I had to give up my freedom to Luka is part of a criminal gang he force me away from Adrien I had to tell him that I was pregnant with Emma and he was mad when I had her, Adrien was still out cold as the doctor came in he looked at me

 "Are you family of Adrien's?" he asked as I shook my head 

"his family asked me to come they are taking care of work stuff," I said as he nodded 

"he should be fine he has just knocked out nothing bad a few bruises but that it, he should be home tonight," he said as I nodded "thank you" he then leaves right then Adrien starts to wake up 

"ugh my head" he groans I set Emma into her car seat as I walk over to the side of his bed 

"Adrien" he looks up at me

 "your the owner of the bar Marinette right the boxer," he asked as I nodded 

"that's right," I said as he turns to the side 

"When can I go home," he asked

 "I will call the doctor Nino wanted me to take you home," I said as he nodded

 "okay" I grabbed Emma walking to the doctor 

"he woke up he wants to go home," I said as he nodded

 "I want you to stay the night with him and dont leave him he is on pain killers so it's not safe for him also stay a day with him before leaving him alone," he said 

"I will talk to his family," I said 

later Marinette takes Adrien home 

I was with Adrien as he laid on the bed I have just put Emma to sleep in her car seat by the couch in his bedroom Adrien was having a nightmare I walked over to him shaking him a little his eyes open

 "are you alright?" I asked as he looks away 

"no" I give him a sad smile

 "do you want to talk about it," I asked as he nodded 

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