chapter 6

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I and Adrien have been together Emily has been helping with Emma a lot and Adrien also helps at night Adrien still not allowed to work because it's dangerous its also been the best day I have ever had Adrien was with me again and I was sleeping in his arms Emma had her father with her and everything was perfect but my manager has been said also all my fans they are not allowing me to box because of the dangers but I do still practice in the gym at the mansion with my coach I have just gotten out of the shower Adrien was gone it was 1 in the morning I smile looking at Emma I look around to see Adrien's keys are gone to I frown I get dressed in to a sports bra and a long sleeve and leggings I didn't feel like dressing in short clothes it was also November and it was cold I lay down 


Luka's gang attacked the police station I was called out because they didn't have a lot of officers and I was on call when I got there Nino was helping cuff people along with Plagg Fu was standing neck to a police car there where ambulances as officers where hurt I walk over to Fu "what can I do" I asked as he looked at me

 "help Nino and Plagg," he said as I nodded I walk over to them

 "Are any of you hurt?" I asked 

"no Im okay just a few punches," Nino said as I look at Plagg

 "just a scratch on the floor but other than that I am fine," he said as I nodded one of the guys laughed 

"what funny," I asked as he looked at me

 "oh nothing only that Luka and his boyfriend will get what they want soon," he said as my eyes widen my car blows as it's in fire 

"Plagg your car come with me know" I yelled running Fu looks at me

 "they are after Marinette" I yelled as my heart was racing as we got in


 there was a scream as I shoot up and out of bed I and Gabriel run to Adrien's room when we open the door the place was trashed as Marinette was pulling out the window before they would find Emma I pulled her out and ran out Gabriel had his gun out as she shot the guys who were looking for Emma

 "leave the baby we have what we came for," the male said running out my heart was pounding as Emma cried in my arms after a few minutes police came though is the door I had tears running down my cheeks as I tried to calm down, Emma right then Adrien comes through the door

 "where is Marinette?" he asked he had tears running down his cheeks 

"they took her I grabbed Emma you dad tried to save her but it was no use," I said as his face went pale 

"no" he cried as he punched the wall that made Emma cry more 

"Adrien Emma needs you right know," I said as he looked at me his eyes softening as he took Emma from my hands

 "shh its okay Dadddy is here" he whispered as she calms down she looks at me

 "Mama," she said as he looks at her

 "we will find her" he whispers 


they took me to the bar as they tied me to the chair Luka walk over to me grabbing my chin forcing me to look at him 

"Look who we have here Marinette Dupain Chang" he smirks as I glare at him

 "your a jackass Luka" I barked at him he steps back

 "you could have been with me you had everything but no you go back to that cop" he yelled slapping me across my face 

"at least he didn't hurt me" I snapped as he looks at me his eyes softens as he sees the red mark on my check "Mari I-" he starts but I cut him off 

"No you never will have me you hurt me and think you can say sorry there are nights Emma is scared because she had to hear her own mother cry" I yelled at him as his boyfriends come from behind 

"lets get the camera set up and you need some air" he said as Luka nodded Luka's boyfriend looked familiar but I could not put my finger on it he looks at me he had Adrien's eyes and hair he looks so similar to Adrien but a year younger Luka leave as he looks at me kneeling down 

"I'm going to help you get out as fast as I can," he said as I looked at him 

"why?" I asked

 "you help my mom out by giving your freedom and you had my brothers baby your the love of his life," he said as my eyes widen 

"your Adrien's brother. but how?" I asked 

"My mom had me after she was kidnapped I grew up here with her but when I tried 18 I did some research and you helped me when Luka's father tired to beat me" he said tears in his eyes I knew he was telling the truth I was trained to tell and he was my heart melt

 "you're the young boy that gave me and your mom food," I asked as he nodded 

"Luka want to do a video and I want you to give Adrien hints to where you are," he said leaving as I nodded

tell me what you think of this chapter I stayed up late editing it I should be in bed because I have a college class tomorrow but I feel like writing thanks for reading


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