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The colour of the hard liquor he consumed.

Surrounded by unfamiliar men.

All getting wasted and smoking shit he hadn't heard of.

Another night with Jackson, against his own will.

Against what his conscious wanted.

He would usually be out with Yugyeom and Jaebum on a Friday night.

Going out to eat or playing board games.

Laughing the night away.

Enjoying the company of his life long friends.

But here he was.

Watching everyone slam down bottle after bottle of foul tasting, yellow alcohol.

Although he never felt right hanging around Jackson or his crackhead friends, he grew to like drinking more.

He liked how it numbed his doubts and worries about the strange man, who used his body in whatever way he liked.

Who wrongly influenced him and belittled his once high self esteem.

With the alcohol pulsing through his veins he didn't feel pain and fear towards it.

He just knew the tingling rush that filled his head and blurry vision from numerous glasses.

" Wanna try some weed Mark? "

Jackson wrapped an arm around Marks shoulders, the smaller male swaying slightly.

A dopey look on his face.

So wasted it never dawned on him how against drugs he was, he wanted to be numbed.

He didn't think.

He didn't care.

He could worry about that at early into the morning, when the world seemed cold and his head pounded so loudly he swore it would burst.

So, there he was, yellow flame and joint, he smoked the drug.

Waking up with a pounding headache and more bruises along his body.

He doesn't remember doing anything with Jackson though.

He hardly remembers what happened the previous night.

Yellow liquor and something he promised himself he'd never do.

" Fuck "

He cursed, bringing two hands to his face, Jackson laying beside him, smoking.

" What is it Princess? "

" I smoked weed last night.. Fuck I promised I never would "

He groaned, allowing Jackson to place the cigarette between his chapped lips.

" It's not a big deal, calm down "

Jackson rolled his eyes, bringing his hands up so they rested behind his head.

Mark sighed, smoke dancing out from his lips and filling Jacksons apartment with the smell of Nicotine.

Adding to the odd fragrance of weed, and yellow liquor.

Colours ( MarkSon ) Where stories live. Discover now