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"So, where are ya heading?"

Paintbrush groaned at her comment. From the moment they'd left Mepad's office, Lightbulb had been talking nearly the entire walk home. From the moment they'd left school, Lightbulb had begun to strike all sort of conversation. From how the limbs on a crab function to the theory of magical creatures somehow existing, somehow, Lightbulb was able to make conversation out of practically any subject. It was something that was jarring to Paintbrush, yet at the same time slightly impressive.

After what seemed like hours of walking, Lightbulb stopped near an intersection.

"Well, I'd love to chat some more, but this is my stop!" Lightbulb said.
"I'll see you tomorrow, Painty!"

Paintbrush waved as Lightbulb ran across the street. Walking home, they thought about the oddity that was today.
It all seemed like some sort of weird dream—but in reality, it was far from fiction. They grimaced a little, their expression deepening.

If only I wasn't so stupid..

The wind breathed a gust towards them, their hair wild as it blew in all sorts of directions.
Covering a chunk of their hair with their hand, Paintbrush dashed home as the cracks of lightning began to shake the skies.


"You were supposed to be home an hour ago."

A tear of sweat rolled down OJ's forehead. Panic filled his mind as he struggled to say something back to his mom.
It was the third time in the past few days he hadn't been back for dinner. His mother looked at him with a powerful scorn, his little sister imitating her every movement.

So much for siblings. They're influenced by everything.

"Please don't tell me you're seeing that boy." His mom said.

"I told you not to see him anymore."

His hands began to sweat. Badly. His mother didn't exactly hate Paper, far from it. They were nice to him just as they were with most people they'd encountered. But ever since that day--that damn day, his parent no longer saw him as 'OJ's Amazing And Kind Best Friend' but now as 'That Lunatic FromThe Shining '.

"...so what if I see my best friend, Mom?" OJ said, his voice cracking.

"I care about him, we've been friends since second grade. What's the deal, huh? I can't see my best friend? I can't care about anybody? You'd rather let me leave him alone rather then letting me give a fuck about--"


OJ froze.

"How many times do we have to have this conversation? The boy is dangerous! You know what he did to that girl. You know where she went, OJ? The hospital."

"I can understand if you don't agree with my decision, but we're doing what's best for you. We don't want you to get in any trouble. Your father's said the same exact thing to you as well."

Dad. Of course she had to mention him. Why even bother mentioning him, acting like everything is fine and dandy between the two of them? OJ's thoughts began to turn into one's of anger. He could feel himself gritting his teeth, his hands trembling from the sheer weight his name had on him. He wanted to scream, yell, choke somebody. He wanted no association with him, nothing at all even under his last breath--but his mother's words snapped him back into reality.

"And as much as you don't like me saying it, I have been talking to your father. Just because he doesn't live here anymore does not mean he can't be a parent to you."

"You still have to treat him with respect. Even after...everything, you know?"

But OJ didn't bother to hear the rest. By the time she opened her mouth to keep talking, he'd already sped up to his room. He plopped himself onto his bed, and without any delay, screamed into his pillow.

She thinks I can just forgive him after everything he did?

No matter how many times anyone could tell him, he wouldn't forgive him even if he were to win the lottery. OJ hated liars, and his dad was someone he considered to be the worst one of all. And no matter how much she tried to hide it, OJ knew his mom was having an even harder time coping with it than he was. He was someone that she'd poured her heart and soul out to, devoted to making this person happy as much as they could be. But, it seems the person that she loved so much couldn't keep his dick in his pants. He'd had an affair with another woman, not only cheating on his wife, but getting the woman he preyed pregnant in the process. The day his mom found out, OJ's mom had lost all control of herself. The next few hours after that was something that OJ wished he could've forgotten.

When OJ took his face out of the pillow, he realized how emotional he'd gotten. His face was wet with tears, and his nose had become runny with snot. He wiped his eyes and nose quickly, making sure his mom wasn't outside of the door listening to him cry and sob. Crying in front of others was embarrassing to him. He slumped, and consumed himself to sleep's wishes. His baggy eyes complied easily, and by the time his mom had opened the door, OJ was out cold.

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