✿ {1} ✿

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"Don't smile on me, lie to me because I can't get closer to you. There's no name you can call me"
(bts; the truth untold)


Graduation day is one of the things to look forward to the most in a student's life. The moment where one steps out into the real world and gets a fresh taste of what true freedom is. U.A High was specially bustling on that anticipated day. Graduation was taken very seriously there, as a prestigious academy it is no mystery that the grand event was honored as such. The third year students had been excused on that morning, as they were all occupied getting ready in their dorms or with their friends. The excitement in the air was clear and bright, the sounds of lively chatter and heavy footsteps could be heard from the neighboring building.

The future heroes were very much ecstatic about the gates that would be opened for them that day. Everyone expressed it differently; some were more nervous than excited , and others were a jumping, hyperactive mess. Bakugo Katsuki was no exception to the contagious joy that floated in the air on that awaited morning.

The blond rummaged through his basic products until his fingertips brushed against the familiar bottle he had grown to despise. With a simple flick he popped off the lid with his thumb, allowing the small white capsules to fall on his open palm. A warm sigh parted from his lips as he downed the daily pills dry. His crimson hues scanned over the bottle directions for what seemed to be the thousandth time. 'Useless bullshit' was the only thought that ran through his mind about the medication.

The non prescribed, drug store, cheap medications. He, of course, was too stubborn to seek out any serious treatment. Katsuki shook his head at the pained reflection that stood in front of him. Today was his day, there was no time to think about the minor inconvenience. A grin tipped on his lips in front of the small mirror. He still truly couldn't believe that after so many years of hard effort and ruthless hurdles U.A. threw at them, he would finally be able to enter a new era of his life and come a step closer to his goal. The euphoria consuming his being was more than enough to dismiss his searing pain.

There was nothing standing between him and that diploma. The prominent fantasy of finally beginning his career was the only thing on his mind.

That would be the case, except there was also a certain brunette that managed to keep him up at night. But that was the last thing he wanted on his mind that day. The dwindling scent of toasted vanilla lingered on his dress shirt from the previous night. Katsuki placed a hand on his chest, atop where his heart beat steadily. He could still feel the tingling remains of her phantom touch, despite the event only happening the night before.

"Hey bro!" A door swung open as an excited redhead allowed himself into Katsuki's room. "Are you ready yet?" Eijiro placed a hand on his hip, a gesture he made when waiting, his gaze skimmed over the neatly made bed and carmine pillows that laid on the forest toned sheets.

A few All Might themed posters were aligned across the beige wall behind where an elegant ebony desk sat, a couple of books stacked one atop the other along with basic office supplies grouped in different metal organizers. The simplicity of his room was complimented by the underlying elegance of the way his possessions were organized, a mannerism that had clearly rubbed off from his parents, which were designers. Eijiro scowled realizing his friend wasn't in the room, or was he? The boy walked further in, to find the bathroom door slightly opened.

"Oi Bakuou–.." Eijiro murmured softly. He carefully finished opening the sienna door only for the blond to snap his neck towards his direction, the orange bottle still in hand. Eijiro shook his head in disapproval, a small canine poking his bottom lip as he scowled. "You're still taking that cheap pharmacy stuff.." Katsuki threw the bottle aside, angered barks arising from him. "Haven't you been taught how to knock?! What the fuck do you want?" There was more frustration in his words than anything. His arms made agitated gestures as he continued his rant. "And what if I do?! It's better than nothin'."

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