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Poetry is thoughts that breathe, and words that burn
(Thomas Gray)

Boredom. It was a simple term, and there was no better word to express how Katsuki felt during his English class. To him, languages were simple to master, his grades were easily placed near the top of the class.

As their blond teacher rambled, or yelled about the topic, Katsuki found himself blocking out his words and staring down at the open textbook laying on the desk. Literature. That was the topic they had been discussing in the last week or so. They had covered the basics of it. How it came to be, how to write it, and the different types of literature that existed.

And that week, they had been diving into poetry. Katsuki was not thrilled by this, to say the least. He found the over complicated wording and dumb metaphors to be useless. He preferred things to be written straight to the point, not that he couldn't understand the messages lying under the pretty words.

Most of the class seemed interested. Although literature was something many could find boring, it was hard to deny that the methods that Hizashi applied to his classes were anything but. The ash blond stared up at the wall clock in the classroom, hoping that just by glaring at it the time would pass faster.

"Anyways, that's wraps up today's lesson class! Buuuuut there is something I've been concerned with."

Katsuki moved his gaze towards the teacher, now curious about what he could be leading them on about. His peers stared at the blond teacher in silence, waiting for his announcement. Once Hizashi acknowledged the silence, he began.

"Look kids, I know languages aren't the easiest thing in the world. But most of ya' are flunking hard, and the last thing I want is for you to fail on your last year. So, to make up for the majority of the class that has been falling behind, I'm going to assign a project to all of you to rack up points and push up that grade!"

His words carried the usual loudness and joy, but it was rather obvious he was worried about his students, as a small frown tipped on his lips as a collective groan was emitted from the class.

"Oh come on! I'm doing this for your grade." He crossed his arms. The loud teacher then turned to the board and began writing on it. For a brief moment, the students couldn't see what it was, until he stepped away so the phrase "Creative writing: Poetry" was written neatly in English on the black board.

Katsuki scowled at it. Why do I have to work on this? I got an A in this damn class. The annoyance in him grew, but he remained silent to wait for the details about the project in question. He'd have more than enough time to complain once the rules were laid out.

"Each of you are going to be paired up in groups of four and assigned a theme to write a poem of. You will recite your poem and hand it in along with a cover illustration to match with the theme you get assigned. I'm aware writing isn't the easiest thing in the world, and I want you to put feelings into it. So, the presentation will be due by the end of this month!"

Great. Just. Fucking. Great . Katsuki's glare only increased , as if he could make the project disappear just by giving the board a nasty look. The boy heaved out an irritated sigh, now taking out his notebook to write down the details for it.

"Oh, and since I want you guys to also develop your cooperation skills. I'll be the one to make the groups!"

Oh fuck no. Katsuki gritted his teeth, now even more irritated. What if he got grouped with a bunch of idiots? He was terrible at cooperation, and everyone knew it. Katsuki didn't notice Hizashi had already started assigning them until he heard his name ring in the surprisingly silent classroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2019 ⏰

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