Chapter 1 - The Breeze Of Hope

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The Falcon shifted through space silently. Everyone on the ship was as quiet as the dead. They were mourning, though they didn't know why. They've won, but it didn't felt like victory. Of course, the Resistance didn't lose either. They destroyed the First Order's biggest ship, killing thousands of people including that tyrant, Snoke, but in exchange they only had a few escape pods. Their allies didn't answer to any of their calls. It was doubtful if the Resistance will ever become as powerful as it was just a week before. Luke, the last Jedi died and, of course Rey was skilful, but she was still far from becoming a Knight.

General Organa was sorrowful. Her world crippled around her with a painful crash. Everyone was gone, everything she has ever fought for, ever gave her soul to, perished without a trace. There was only one person left. Her son. She didn't know what to think about him. She only knew one thing: Ben wasn't lost in the Dark Side. Something was whispering her this. He could have killed her and Rey several times, but he didn't. He was troubled and was fighting with himself. He was confused and lost as ever. But it seemed as if Rey was trying to show him how he can find his path and balance. Now was the turning point for him. He can choose to either continue Snoke's tyranny, or turn his face towards the Light.

"General," an officer begun, disrupting Leia. "the detectors just have discovered a habitable planet."

"Finally." Leia sounded relieved. "Go on."

"It's a really small planet on the edge of the Galaxy, still undiscovered. The weather is a bit chilly, but it should be okay. The censors didn't perceive any sign of electricity and bigger cities on the planet. The First Order won't find us here."

"Good. We're going there. Everybody, get to work!" She commended. "This is going to be a hard time for us."

The Falcon landed on a majestic green field, ancient pine trees towering at its edge, as if some guardians. The fields were quiet and abandoned, no signs of life. The atmosphere was heavy with something only Leia could recognize. It was the way the Force resonated through the snowy mountains, like a smooth thread sewn into the core of the planet, fine, but clear. The fields were empty except for one person and her herd of lean sheep. The Millennium Falcon landed just at her roughly made leather boots. She looked up in a surprise and tilted her head as the Falcon's ramp unfolded. She stumbled back a few steps as the loud engine sound started to fade, but her eyes still widened with shock. But her complete lost for words was fairly reasonable. And even though the massive ship had revoked fear and caution in her heart it has also peaked pure curiosity. It was odd how she'd gave everything only to step onto its mystical board.

"It's a beautiful planet." Leia took a deep breath not noticing the girl. "It'll be perfect for us."

"Uhm, General..." Poe was unsure what to say. "I can see a local resident there."

"Oh, sorry my dear! We are in an emergency, can we set our camp..." She suddenly stopped. "She doesn't understand me, does she? Then how are we going to communicate? Maybe they will take this as a threat and attack us?" She didn't want to get into a pitiful fight with the civils.

"I can understand you perfectly, and don't worry, we won't fight you." The shepherd's voice was youthfully smooth as a fresh summer breeze, but yet somehow serious, like someone who already has duties to fill. "But I must take you to the Mayor, so you can discuss for how long you want to stay"

"Okay, if it's a must." Agreed Leia. "The rest of you will stay here. Everyone is needed."

"But General" Protested Poe with a fierce scoff. "They might be dangerous, at least take one soldier with you."

"They are harmless, and I'm also sure this thing won't take long." She simply cut off the conversation and set on her way.

"The village is not very far from here, we can go on foot." She managed to broke the silence with a light blush. "By the way, my name is Liv." The young stranger sounded friendly. She reminded Leia of someone from long time ago.

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