Chapter 4 - Loud Echoes

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"Hey, you know what?" Rey cheerfully asked Liv, as she waved a welcoming good morning.

They were heading to the cafeteria for a breakfast, just a typical morning. Liv has been living with the Resistance for a week now, and she was slowly getting the hang of the Rebellion. She learned the basics of the Force, saber duelling and self-defence. Rey was a good teacher for her, even though she noticed some flaws in her explanations.

But what truly mesmerized Liv was the way the Force flowed through her veins, flooding her heart with a rare kind of courage never felt before. She found quirky joy in levitating various things, often including BB-8 as her most adored victim. She cleverly combined the Jedi techniques Rey has taught, with her naturally rough fighting style, even though her hands craved to grasp a true lightsaber. She hasn't seen one yet, that's why the lack of it surprised Liv herself. But she was definitely improving every day, after all, she had to learn hard if she wanted to defeat the Supreme Leader.

"What?" Her eyebrows shifted in scepticism, she knew this look of Rey's far too well.

"I know that you're busy, I mean we're busy, but I think it would be good for you to socialize." She noticed Liv's afraid look and reassuringly put her hand around her shoulders. "Believe me, I know some lovely guys here. I promise you will like it, moreover they actually want to know you more too." Rey gave her a playful wink.

"Okay." The giving in Liv sighed a deep.

"Yes!" She clapped. "You will love it." She always wanted to help newcomers to fit in.

"But please promise it won't be a big group." Liv said, rubbing the bridge of her nose.

"Don't worry." And there was that unmistakeable smile of hers.

Seriously? Liv's eyebrows rose. I know she said it wouldn't be a big group, but two guys? Wow. Liv didn't know if she should be disappointed or grateful. Their trays landed on the tables with a clatter as they sat down in front of the two excited boys. Liv was slightly nervous, she wasn't used to men.

"Liv, he is Finn," Rey pointed at the bigger, more muscular man. "the most excellent trooper I know, and he is Poe, the best pilot in the Resistance." It was easily noticeable how much Rey was proud of her friends. "You two guys probably know about Liv, the new girl."

"Hello, nice to meet you." Liv gave her best fake smile. Just please let this be over soon enough.

"Yes, everyone knows her." Poe was strangely friendly as his eyes were deeply fixated on Liv. "We're sure that you're going to be a big help for the Resistance."

I have no intention to make friends here, after all I am the daughter of the General. She never acted nicely when she was forced to do something. She didn't care after this point.

"Are you that ex-stormtrooper who just simply left the First Order and joined the good guys?" She didn't believe someone would do that.

"Yes, I wanted to save Poe, so we escaped." Finn was always proud of this act of his.

"Cool." Liv took the last sip from her drink. "Sorry, but I must hurry, it's been a lovely chat after all. I hope we'll meet soon again." She stood up giving an enchanting smile for the boys. "Rey, are you coming?" Her fingers tapping on the table in mild annoyance.

"Yeah, sure." Rey mumbled as she reluctantly emerged. She would have gladly stayed, but she knew they had plenty of work to do.

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