Chapter 15 - Fifteen

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They were locked in a never ending moment like statues, none of them willing to move or just even blink.

Rey felt her heart skip a beat only to then start hammering in her throat that her breath has hitched in. At first her cheeks started burning like never before, and the hotness soon filled every cell of her body. But all these feelings in her seemed negligible compared to what her eyes were perceiving. They were fixed on Ben with the purest kind of attention, but even that didn’t prove to be enough to truly decipher the feelings on his face. He seemed blank, maybe shocked, but not angry or happy or scared. He was just blank and perfectly motionless.

Then the supressed energy forced them to jolt up in an oddly perfect sync, without breaking eye contact. They were standing face to face, the distance between them being filled by his large bed. Still, no words have left them, the only sound in the room being their quick gasps for air as they stared at each other in disbelief, none of them wanting to believe what just happened.

Rey’s gaze followed Ben’s movement, and no matter how hard she strained her mind she couldn’t come up with a possible guess about what Ben would do now. But all he did was to brush away a stray lock from his face.

At last he cleared his throat and raised a questioning eyebrow. “Rey?”

“I can explain!” The cry burst out of Rey in panic, even though she had no reason to be so frightened. She glanced at the armchair resting at the end of the bed, empty and cold. “You have might as well given me a pile of rocks to sit on! And besides I couldn’t pull off a second sleepless night and I didn’t want to go back in my room and abandon you and your bed is so big anyway, and I thought you wouldn’t mind and now I realise I should have asked before!” She drew in a big breath. That was a lot to rattle off with one breath. She sighed and glanced up at Ben with pleading eyes. “I’m sorry.”

He stood there with a puzzled look, creases on his forehead and if Rey wouldn’t have been so stressed out she might have thought he was adorably quirky.

“A second sleepless night?” He asked with pure confusion.

It was now Rey’s turn to mirror his quizzical look. “Yes?”

“So when last night you said you’d guard me...”

“I meant it. And I can’t do that while I’m asleep.”

“No wonder you were so drowsy yesterday.”

“It was worth it.”

At the uncomfortable silence set in yet again, the only difference now being that they tried their best to avoid the other’s gaze. Rey was nibbling on her lips and gently swaying, waiting for something to happen. Anything would have been better than this.

“I’m sorry I didn’t give you a blanket.” Ben apologized, his gaze still fixated on the bed where he has woken up to see hazel locks of messy hair.

He still wasn’t sure what has stirred him up from his dreams. The automatic lights seemed as an improbable explanation, considering he could always fall asleep in broad daylight. Rey hasn’t woken him up either. She slept without a sound on the very edge of the bed. But Ben couldn’t care less about the cause of his awakening, because what he saw was far more interesting for him. He was no deny surprised when he realised that that something beside him was Rey sleeping sweetly. He didn’t remember how long he was staring at the rhythmic rise and fall of her chest, he only remembered how calming it was. Rey was pure light, and she had no clue about it. But Ben didn’t want to acknowledge the fact how badly he wanted her to turn, so he could watch her freckled face. But he didn’t anticipate the possibility that Rey’s eyes might be wide open. And after that everything just happened all too quickly.

“It’s fine.” Rey’s soft voice snapped him out of his memories. “You’ll give me one next time.”

Rey wished that the ground would absorb her on the spot. She had no idea why she has said such a thing. It must have been her unconscious that forced this absurd sentence on her lips. Either way, she couldn’t take it back now.

For long seconds she didn’t have the courage to lift her gaze and read out Ben’s expression. But when she finally did, a third wave of utter shock washed over her. He didn’t grit his teeth, his fingers didn’t curl into a fist and to put it simply, his face wasn’t contorted by anger. He only blinked a few in kind surprise and it was nearly as if he was waiting for Rey to continue.

But Rey just stood there, not wanting to imagine the shade of red that painted her cheeks. And she wouldn’t have said a word for a fortune.

The red tint on her face caught Ben’s attention and with that he has decided to end this suffocating silence. “I’ll make you some tea.” And he finally took a step towards the kitchenette. “While you get dressed.” He was already at the other end of his great chamber.

Rey muttered a ‘yes’ and was quick to retreat to her room. Only then she realised that she has to convince the most stubborn man in the galaxy.

“Will you check on Liv?” Ben ‘greeted’ Rey when she showed up, looking fine with her iconic triple buns. “Please?” He added.

Rey was expecting Ben to be also shrouded in his familiar dark cloak, but he was still carelessly rocking his black t-shirt and trousers. Rey crossed the room with a subtle smile, took the steaming mug, spared a happy glance towards Ben, which he didn’t notice and knocked on Liv’s door.

“Liv?” No answer. Rey knocked again. “Liv, are you in there?” Not a sound came from her chamber. “She’s usually awake by now.” Rey remarked with mild concern. 
Rey turned with confusion when she heard Ben scoff with sarcasm. “Did she even sleep in there?”

“Yes, she did. I saw her.”

Ben stepped in front of his sister’s door and seeing it was closed, forced it open. It wasn’t a big surprise to them that the room proved to be empty, but they couldn’t glide over the fact what a change Liv’s room has went through. The once empty shelves were now tightly packed with diverse kinds of exotic plants with colourful charms and crystals thrown or hanged on them. The grey and white walls lost their former lividness as pictures of forests and ponds were now embellishing them with soft greens and blues. The blanket has been replaced with the same kind of thick white fur that was laid over the small armchair in the corner. Liv has no deny redecorated. And all she housed in her room gave the place a magical and cosy atmosphere.

Rey crossed her arms and realised all that Liv asked for had a reason. She knew Liv had to feel solid ground under her feet and she understood her. Rey realised that now it was her duty to give Liv her academy.

“She left without leaving a note.” Ben spoke in a not so delighted voice. “I want to know where she’s escaped to. I’m going to-”

“Ben.” Rey put a firm hand on his arm. “Remember what I told you yesterday?” No answer, but a huffed look. “She’s old enough. She’s clearly taken her day off.” She sipped her drink and closed the door leading to Liv’s enchanted realm. “And she’s right. Maybe we should have some rest too... And brew up a worthy project for you to work on.”

“I’ve woken up early just for you, so I hope whatever you’re about to give me will make up for it.” Liv playfully scolded Plato as she failed to repress a giggle.

“Trust me, it’s going to be great.” He smiled and intertwined their fingers, taking advantage of the emptiness of the ship in the early morning hours. Otherwise they could not be seen as a couple. They were still just a minister and her bodyguard. “We’re going to take the day off.”

“Are we going to relax and take a nap?”

“Hardly.” And he smiled in a way that he not often did except today. Liv read him as being simply excited and like he knew something that no one else did.

At that moment a pair of hasty officers turned the corner and Plato retracted his hand with the rapidity of a lightning. The Luxe was slowly awakening. As the strict looking officers passed by and muttered their greetings Liv couldn’t help, but to notice their mischievous glances they sent each other and she somehow realised that their secret cannot last for too long.

But Liv didn’t get time wonder about possible gossips travelling aboard the Luxe as Plato suddenly pushed her against the wall and took a grasp on her arm with one hand, while he leaned onto the wall with the other.

“Plato, what are you doing?” Liv asked in confusion and poorly masked panic. She had no idea what he was about to do, but she hated the situation anyway.

“You’ll want to hold onto me.”

“What-?” But Liv couldn’t finish the question as she got distracted by what was a deep hum at first, but soon grew to sound as if the whole ship was letting out a low groan. Then the floor jerked beneath her and seemed as if the ground would sway from under her feet. Then she felt a sudden and massive tug and the only reason she didn’t fall over was because of Plato’s steady grip. She was slowly starting to realise what was happening.

“Did we just?” She asked still holding onto Plato.

“Yes. We moved.” The weird felling of the heavy gravity was starting to subside.

“Well, it wasn’t the smoothest start.” Liv mocked as she tried to take a step and get used to the quaking floor.

“This stillness doesn’t do good to any ship, let alone the Luxe.”

Liv took a few more wobbly steps. “Where are we going?”

“Towards the inner core. But we, my love, are going to hop off to Dantooine.” He purposefully headed towards the main hangar. “I suppose you’ve been there before.”

“I have. It’s pretty and all, but nothing particular.”

“Hah, then you haven’t seen the best of it.”

The great gates to the hangar opened. Liv has only been here once and she marvelled at the various kinds of ships standing still, waiting for someone to settle in their cockpits and head out to the vast space out there. She had no clue on how to fly any of these things and a wave of unexpected guilt washed over her. Her father was one of the best pilots in the Galaxy. He’d probably have a few words towards Liv, remarking her indifference for flying. ‘What do you mean you haven’t flown before?’ he’d say in disbelief, ‘Get in the Falcon NOW, it seems you have a few things to learn!’. Liv let out a sad sigh for all the memories she couldn’t have.

Then Plato came to a halt and looked up proudly at the dark ship in front of them. “Do you like it?” He asked.

“Yes.” Came Liv’s simple answer. The spaceship was much like Ben’s, sleek and practical.

The ramps unfolded and Liv took the co-pilots’ seat.

“Now prepare to see the stars melt around you.” It seemed like the smile on Plato’s face just couldn’t be wiped off.

They entered into hyperspace and Liv’s eyes glittered with wonder.

They didn’t land where Liv has found her crystal, but somewhere much more beautiful. Dantooine had majestic fields, rolling plains and crystal clear lakes. The two moons paired with the grandiose clouds had created one of the most beautiful skies Liv has ever seen.

They landed on the shore of one of the sparkling lakes and Liv was more than happy to fill her lungs with some truly fresh air. The long, green grass was swaying in the gentle breeze. And when Liv looked up once again she laughed with wonder at one of the flying creatures she could at best describe like flying mantas. The horizon was sprinkled with the silhouettes of blba trees and by the Maker, it was perfection.
Liv felt tranquillity radiating from every inch of the planet and again a rare, but not unknown feeling had visited her. It was balance between life and death, between the Light and the Dark. She knew that the place held a strong connection to the Force, hence the ruins of an ancient Jedi temple, but she didn’t think it would be so strong.
Plato proposed the idea that they could go strolling and watch a grazing herd of iriaz. But Liv wasn’t in the mood for walking her legs off yet. Instead she took off her pelerine and just walked into the lake, acting like bathing with clothes on was one of the most natural things a human could do. For a second Plato stood there dumbstruck until he realised he didn’t need a second call.

The water was refreshing and filled them up with energy that they knew would come handy if they want to explore the vast lands stretching into the horizon.

Liv felt like she was alive again. She was enjoying her life once again, and with Plato beside her it was better than ever before. They discovered the fields and forests, marvelling at the local flora and fauna, going so far as to climb one of the towering blba trees.

They didn’t care about the past or the future. They only cared about the moment, their moment. They were young and they knew it. It felt like the whole world was theirs and so they played as they pleased. And by the Maker, it was perfection.

The doors violently swung open, letting in the kissing pair of Liv and Plato, who were a hair breath’s away from falling over. The air was sizzling around them as the kisses got deeper and more passionate. Liv’s hairband got lost in the lift she had to say goodbye to one of her boots somewhere along the corridor, but she couldn’t care less at the heat of the moment. Exploring Dantooine was great, but they both wanted to get to know each other a bit better. In those kisses the tension and impatience of the day were bottled up. The smug tone in which Liv remarked Plato’s strength and the sly glances Plato sent her throughout their day.

Plato’s fingers were lost in her dark loose mane and it wasn’t long before he untied Liv’s pelerine. He started at her collarbone with kisses that were overflowing with love and affection, while Liv was seemingly clinging to him, not wanting to let go of him.

“I love you.” Plato panted for the hundredth time between the kisses.

“I love you too.” Came the confession from Liv while she kicked off her other boot.
The situation was getting too hot in every way and they knew they can’t keep kissing for the rest of the night. It was now Liv’s turn to get her fingers tangled in Plato’s dark brown locks as she brought their lips to yet another electric meet.

Plato couldn’t keep the standing anymore. He wanted more and he was sure Liv felt the same way. They slowly started waltzing towards his bed without letting go of their kiss. It was a moment’s surprise when Plato gently pushed Liv onto the bed and soon followed her, taking a long moment to admire the beauty laying on his bed. Her black hair was spreading over the pillows like ink. Her flushed cheeks emphasized her round, black eyes glittering with joyous excitement that were now fixated solely on him. Her chest was rising and falling at a quick pace as she drew in ragged breaths and at last she bit her lips in what Plato guessed was impatience. So he started peppering every inch of her bare skin with light kisses while she was caressing him wherever she could. First the kisses got longer, then a bit more rough until Plato was sucking on Liv’s neck and he couldn’t help, but to smile at her short and surprised gasps she let out. She was adorable.

Then he trailed up and kissed her for the thousandth time this night. The kiss was not like their first one. It was hungry and impatient, and it grew more like that with every passing second.

Plato didn’t leave too much time for Liv to breath and she slowly fell into a spiralling daze. While in the middle of one of their longest kisses Liv felt Plato unbuckling her belt and it was a matter of seconds before it got carelessly thrown onto the ground. Then she could feel her shirt being ever so slowly lifted and despite the sweaty hotness of the situation she shivered when he put a hand on her waist. She failed at trying to catch Plato’s gaze. His imposing dark figure towering over her made Liv feel tiny and fragile. He only gave her a second of pause before leaning into her again and carefully starting to trail his fingers up her torso. The kiss became suffocating and Liv tried to speak, but at the moment it was impossible. She guessed she just wanted to pause for a second. She let out a muffled groan of protest that didn’t reach his ears. “Plato,” She sill wasn’t loud enough, but on the contrary she panicked. “no! Please stop!” She put a hand on his chest and hardly pushed him off of herself.

Plato watched in sheer confusion as tears welled up in the eyes of his love. She sat up and buried her face in her palms, letting the tears to fall. “I’m sorry.” She forced out the words between her sobs.

Plato’s heart twisted in pain. The love of his life was crying because of him. He was guilty, he knew it, he went too fast and didn’t pay any attention to her needs. She was trembling and seemed to shrink in her pain. “Don’t be.” He was close to put a comforting hand on her shoulder, but he wasn’t sure if that would do any good.

“No, it was my fault!” She cried miserably and lifted her head, letting Plato to see her reddened eyes and face twisting into a grimace of sorrow and guilt.

She moved and settled in Plato’s lap, hiding her face into his shirt. His caress did little help as after long minutes Liv was still sobbing. “I was fifteen! Fifteen! Do you know what that means?!” The cry suddenly burst out of her, followed by yet another waterfall of tears.

Plato frowned. “Fifteen? What do you mean..?” Then the pieces of the puzzle clicked in his mind. “Oh.” That was all he could say. The thought that... that someone has touched her before, when she was only fifteen made his guts twist with pure disgust. And then anger surfaced in him. Rage for whoever dared to put a hand on her. “Oh, Liv.” He pulled her close and embraced her, resting his chin on the top of her head while slowly caressing her face and stroking her hair.

“I’m sorry, it was my fault.” Came the feeble whisper from Liv. She has tried so long to bury the memory and she was so close to succeeding, up until now, when it all came back like a tsunami.

“It was not your fault.” Plato stated in a strong voice. “Is he still..?”

“Alive? No. He was killed on my mother’s command the minute I told her.” Her sobs were eventually becoming quieter.

“So, she knows.” The anger faded from his voice a bit, knowing that he was already dealt with. But it was too little too late for him. Rage was still burning in him and he didn’t know how he could get rid of it.

“She’s the only one.” Then she looked up at Plato with a hurt and pathetic look. “You mustn’t tell this to anyone, you understand!?” She yelled in a panicked voice.

“I won’t, I promise.” He planted a light kiss on the top of her head. “Oh Liv, tell me how could I help you?”

“I don’t know.” She sniffed. “I really don’t. I used to think time would heal it, but it turns out I was wrong.”

This felt like another stab. There wasn’t any way he could help his love when she needed it the most. He wiped away the last teardrop from her cheek. He felt horrible. They both felt horrible. “You should try to rest now.” He didn’t have anything else he could say.

“I can’t sleep now.”

“Just rest.”

Plato turned off the lights and Liv fell back onto the pillows, curling up like a ball. Plato lay down beside her, not sure if he had the permission to touch her.

“You can hug me.” Came something lesser than a whisper from Liv.
Plato put an arm around her and kept her close, wishing to protect her. They had such a wonderful day, everything seemed so perfect. But as Plato should have known by now, looks weren’t everything.

“I still love you, you know.” Liv said.

“And I love you too.”

They didn’t sleep, but lay in each other’s arms, staring at nothing and talking without words.

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